29: The Ocean

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After the successful reclamation of Trost, wall Maria and Shiganshina, the Survey Corps created a large hammer in Trost's wall, used to kill Titans.

Trost districts giant hammer used to smash titans went silent just as the snow began to cover the ground.

Around the time the the snow began to melt, the announcement was made that the Survey Corps had rid the area inside wall Maria of titans.

By the time that the elevators were freed for use and work began on paving the main road, the flowers had begun to bloom.

About a year after the attack on Trost district, citizens based in Shiganshina district received permission to resettle.

For the first time in six years, the day had come for the Survey Corps to embark on an expedition outside the walls.

"Just as you predicted, Hange." Levi said. "Seems that we have culled most of them in one year."

Apart from the distant chatter between Hange and Levi, there was other, noisy chatter coming from the other scouts.

"Not even one titan." Eren mumbled.

"Where are we even going again?" Connie obnoxiously asked.

You shrugged. "Following Eren."

Suddenly, you saw a black flare.

"Titan!" Sasha shouted.

"An abnormal?" Jean mumbled.

As the remaining survey corps members arrived at the scene, you saw the Titan was lying down on the ground, struggling to even move. The body was abnormally large for its skinny limbs to carry.

"Seems it's been struggling to get to the wall." Hange stated, pointing out the long trail it's left behind.

"Must have taken so long," you said, sympathetic for the titan.

"That's one of our compatriots..." Eren stated. "The ones that were sent to 'heaven'. We must be close."

After an hour or so, the grass had turned into sand and you came across an L shaped wall.

"This is where the Eldian's were turned into titans." You stated.

"And just behind the wall," Eren muttered. "Should be..."

Once you got around the wall, you saw a large body of water that seemed endless. Like an abyss of blue.

"...the ocean." You finished Eren's sentence.

Everyone got off their horses and took off their boots. They dipped their toes in the water.

Armin looked at the water in awe. He couldn't believe that he was at finally at the ocean.

Sasha and Connie began to splash each other like little kids. You squatted down and picked up a shell.

"Wow! Jean! Look at this!" You ran towards him, showing him the cream colored conch shell.

Jean tasted the water. "Agh! It's so salty!"

Hange was amazed. "It's actually salt water! Hey! I see something!"

"Don't touch it." Levi told Hange. "It could be poisonous."

After that remark, Hange splashed Levi. He was enraged.

"This is so cool, Jean." You looked at the little tiny fish at the shore.

Mikasa squealed as a wave hit her legs. "Eek!"

Armin looked at Mikasa. They both giggled.

"See, Eren?" Armin began. "I was right! About the ocean, about freedom!"

As Eren mumbled some stuff, you, Connie, Sasha and Jean were having the time of your life.

Connie grabbed Jean's harnesses and tried pulling him into the water. Sasha was splashing you while you searched for more shells.

"Ah!" You laughed. "Sasha! Stop that!" You splashed her back.

"Hey! Springer! What the hell are you doing?" You heard Levi shout. You also heard Jean laughing like an idiot.

Connie was undressing. He took off his harnesses and gear, his shirt. He was taking off his pants, leaving him with only underwear on.

"I'm taking a dip!" Connie shouted.

"Springer! Get here right now! We don't even have towels!" Hange shouted.

Connie had already dove into the water. He shot his head out from the water and shook it like a dog, drying off.


"Connie! Here! Now!" Levi shouted.

You were all laughed to the point where your stomach's hurt.

Connie scurried over to the captain. "Sir yes sir!"

Jean came over to you and Sasha. He wrapped his arms around you. He looked at all the shells you collected.

"What are you going to do with those?" He asked.

"Keep them." You said.

After Connie's scolding, the captain announced that you were going to go back and think of what you're going to do next.

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