18: Interference

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"Get up." Your mum blasted through the door and shouted.

You groaned, curled up into a ball and covered yourself with your sheets. "Leave me alone."

"For Pete's sake, it's twelve o'clock!" She shouted.

"Five more minutes." You whined.

Christina pouted, but got an idea shortly after. She plastered a smirk on her face.

"Okay, just five." She shut the door.

Exactly five minutes later, someone else busted through your door.

"Times up." Said the masculine voice.

"Oh, god." You sighed. "Just leave me alone."

"No." Jean threw off your covers. Your hair flew everywhere from the static. You looked up.

"Fuck you, Jean." You muttered.

"Watch it." He said.

He wrapped his arm around your waist and threw you over his shoulder. You didn't struggle, but just hung on his shoulder with absolutely no energy.

Jean took you to the fireplace, where your mother sat on a couch, drinking coffee. He placed you on the parallel couch. You just fell onto it. Drool started to fall from your lips.

"Oh, my God." Your mum face-palmed, chuckling.

"It's a sloth." Jean rolled his eyes and sat on the fur carpet in front of the fireplace. "I didn't know I was dating a sloth."

You jolted up at Jean's remark.

"Rude!" You gasped.

Jean chuckled and shook his head.

"It's cold down here." You said.

Jean threw you his hoodie.

"Wear this." He said.

"Thanks." You muffled, putting the sweater on.

It was a bit big, but, extremely comfortable.

"How cute." Your mom took a sip from her coffee.

You smiled playfully and got up to sit next to Jean. He wrapped his arm around you.

"Anyway. The Survey Corps is supposed to come back today." Your mom informed.

"Good. It's boring here being alone all the time." Jean said.

"It's not fair. I wanted to be involved in the action but you pulled me away." You pouted at your mother.

"Sorry, but it was too far anyway." She said.

"It's okay." You sighed. "I'm going back to my room."

You decided to take a warm bath and filled the tub with hot water. You stepped into it, slowly sinking into the water.

You began to hum.

A few minutes later, you heard someone open the door.

Shit. I forgot to lock the door.

Luckily, the bath had curtains. You began to hear whistling, but you knew your mother couldn't whistle. You sank into the bathtub and began to blow bubbles quietly.


Suddenly, the intruder opened the curtains.

"[Y/N]?" Jean exclaimed.

Jean was naked, other than a white towel wrapped around his waist.

"What the hell are you doing in my bathroom?" You asked him.

"My shower wasn't working! Your mother told me to use yours!" Jean argued. "Clearly, it was occupied."

"Damn right." You hissed.

Jean sighed. "Make room. I'm not waiting."


"I'm coming in." Jean said.

You looked at him, confused.

"It's not like we've never seen each other naked before." Jean said, removing the towel from his waist.

You pulled your legs closer to your chest. Jean got into the bathtub and closed the curtains. His legs were also pulled close. You had enough space, so you slid your legs further. Your knees were intertwined with Jean's.

Silence filled the room.

"So." You mumbled.

"Do you have shampoo?" Jean asked, looking at all your hair-care bottles.

"Not men's shampoo." You retorted. "If you use mine you're gonna smell like flowers."

Jean felt an annoying bump poking his behind. He used his hand to figure out what it was. He finally found it and took it out of the water, revealing the drain stopper.

"Good thinking, Jean. Now the water's gonna go away!" You said, annoyed.

"Not a problem." Jean said, standing up. "We got this."

He turned on the shower. You rolled your eyes. You pulled your legs closer to your chest, hiding your torso. Jean squatted down to your level. There was now no more water left in the bathtub except for the flowing shower. Jean lifted up your chin and made his eyes lock with yours.

"C'mon." He said.

"Perv." You scowled.

Jean smirked. You got up and watched him, lustfully.

Jean cupped your cheeks and kissed you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and began to move towards the wall.

Colliding with the wall, the kiss became more aggressive. You felt Jean smirking into the kiss, which turned you on. You bit Jean's lower lip, smiling as you broke away.

Jean began to kiss and suck your neck. You gave him full access to your body.

You and Jean made contact with your lips again, and began to make out. You moaned through the kiss.

Breaking the kiss, you and Jean settled your gazes on one another.

Jean lifted you up, and you wrapped your legs around his waist. You began to kiss him again and felt his erection rising.

You gave him an entrance, and he slid into you with ease. The steam and the heat in the room made the experience even better.

Your hips moved in sync with Jean's, as he thrusted into you.

You began to moan his name. "Jean,"

But you wanted him to be more aggressive.

"Go harder." You demanded.

Jean did as he was told.

As you reached your peak, you began to pull on Jean's hair with one hand, and grip onto his neck with the other, leaving scratch marks.

You gave up your body and let the orgasm take you.

"Oh, Jean!"

You calmed, and Jean put you down, pulling out. Your legs struggled to keep you up.

You pulled him closer one last time and kissed him.

"I loved this." You told him.

"And I love you."

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