24: Celebration

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"Huh? What? Huh?" Sasha couldn't believe her eyes.

"It's meat? Seriously?" Connie questioned.

"Tonight we celebrate the recovery of wall Maria! Cheers!"

Sasha took the big piece of meat and shoved it into her mouth, trying to eat it entirely. You, Jean and Connie began to try and restrain her.

"Do you even know what you're doing?" Connie hollered.

"Stop fucking around, potato girl!" Jean shouted.

"I'll get Shadis if you don't let it go!" You tried pulling the meat out of her mouth, but it was no use. Sasha punched your nose and it began to bleed.

"Agh...!" You muffled, covering your nose.

"Stop it, Sasha!" Connie shouted.

"Who would even think of eating that whole thing by themselves!" Jean shouted, succeeding in taking the meat. With a con.

"Ahh! She's eating my hand now!" He grimaced. "She's eating me! She's eating me!"

"Sasha! That meat is Jean!" You shouted, slapping her cheek.

"Can't you even recognize him anymore?" Connie shouted.

"You couldn't even eat meat in the Survey Corps?" Marlow said, taking a bite. "Pitiful."

Sasha punched Marlow.

"Connie, hurry up and bring her down." Mikasa said, humbly.

"I'm trying, but she's moving unconsciously now." Connie said.

"There," You finished tying Sasha to a wooden beam.

"Will that do it?" Eren asked.

"She finally tired out." Connie exhaled. "But even this trash would have tried sharing her meat in the past."

"Eh, when?" Eren asked.

"You seriously don't remember?" You inquired.

"Months ago... when we were preparing the stationary artillery." Connie explained.

"It's only been months?" You asked.

"Seven months." Connie nodded. "But we've accomplished so much! In seven months we've gotten into squad Levi!"

"It's only because you're a genius!" Eren shouted.

"Obviously." Connie said. The two boys walked away.

"Where's Jean?" You murmured.

You walked over to Mikasa.

"What's going on?" You asked.

"Jean and Eren are fighting again." She said.

"Shouldn't we stop them?" Armin winced.

"No. Let them be." Mikasa said.

Levi came in and stopped the fight. "You're getting carried away. Go to bed."

After the party, you walked around the wall Sina campus, where the scouts stayed at during their time within Sina. It was like training camp, where the dorms were small cabins scattered around a big chunk of land.

You walked to your cabin, alongside Jean.

"You okay?" You asked him.

"I'm fine." He grumbled.

"If only you and Eren fought that way during expeditions." You chuckled.

"I do!" Jean said. "You just never look my way."

"I wouldn't say never." You disagreed.

You soon made it to your cabin, and sat down on the steps in front of the door. Jean sat beside you. You rested your elbows on your knees and chin in your hands. You both stayed silent. All that was heard was the flickering fire from the torches above you, and the distant chatter of cadets.

"So," you mumbled.

"So," Jean mumbled.

"What's up?" You said.

"Nothing." Jean replied.

"Interesting." You sighed

"Hell it is." Jean joked around. You both lightly giggled.

Silence fell again.

"What do you think is gonna happen... tomorrow. When we go back to Maria?" You said, quietly.

"I dunno." Jean muttered. He looked at you.

You looked down. "What if the plan backfires? What if half of us get killed somehow? What if... we die?" You ranted. "What if you die, Jean? What's going to happen to me if I lose you?"

"Why are you like this all of a sudden?" He whispered.

You locked your eyes with his. "Because I don't wanna lose you."

Jean wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you close. You rested your head on his chest.

"You aren't gonna lose me." He said.

You looked up at Jean. He kissed your lips gently.

Before sunset, next day.

You were all on top of the wall, ready to depart for Maria. The townspeople shouted goodbyes and good-lucks.

"There go those selfish citizens again." Levi sighed.

"Of course, after that sort of ruckus." Hange replied.

"Leave it to us!" You, Jean, Connie and Sasha shouted, waving childishly at the citizens.

"The operation to retake wall Maria... begins!" Erwin shouted.


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