2: Jean

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You couldn't sleep. It was four AM and you only got a measly two hours of sleep. You decided to go outside and get some air.

You slowly got down from your bunk, not wanting to wake up any of your comrades. The floor creaked a little when you put your foot down, but luckily no one woke up.

You yanked the blanket off the top bunk and wrapped it over your shoulders. You opened the door slowly, and slipped out of the cabin.

You walked towards a wooden bench and sat on it. You kicked off your slippers and put your feet on the parallel arm rest.

You were laying down on the bench, and then you saw something in front of you; an old punching bag. You decided to do some morning exercise, and got up from the bench. You let the blanket fall off your shoulders and put on your slippers.

You pushed the punching bag to the stairs, lifted it up and brought it down the stairs. You placed it about three meters in front of the cabin.

The sun began to rise.

You went inside and checked the time. It was five AM already.

You quickly changed into a sports bra and sweats. You put your hair in a high ponytail and put on your shoes, all without waking up your roommates.

You went outside and faced the punching bag. You began humming a song. You punched the bag, making it swing back and forth.

You kicked the bag occasionally. The sun made the sky a calming blue.

You felt a presence watching you, but you kept punching and kicking, getting some exercise in.

You stopped and rested on the bag. Beads of sweat trickled down your forehead. You looked up to see Jean leaning on the cabin rails, watching you work out.

"What do you want?" You panted.

"Can't sleep." He replied. "I just came outside and saw you. So I decided to watch."

"Creep." You started punching the bag again. You ignored the fact that he was there.

"What's your problem with me?" Jean retorted.

"Nothing." You had little interest to talk to Jean.

"Something's bothering you. What, do you not like me?" Jean shouted ao you could hear.

"Would you be quiet? You'll wake up the rest!" You shouted.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked.

"Please, just leave me alone." You said through your teeth, trying to keep your calm. Jean was becoming very irritating.

You felt your throat throbbing. You missed Brendan. You missed your mother. And for some reason, looking at Jean depressed you. You looked down and clenched your eyelids, trying hard not cry. Although, tear escaped, flowing down your cheek.

You exhaled shakily. You turned to face Jean.

He noticed that you were upset. "Everything okay?" He asked.

You took a deep breath and wiped the tear from your cheek.

"It doesn't matter." You whispered.

You walked right past Jean and sat down on the bench.

Jean was struck by your beauty. He began to examine you, and noticed that you had nice muscles and abs.

"I'm sorry about yesterday." You apologized.

"It's fine." Jean said, coming back into reality.

You checked the time again; six thirty.

Jean walked up to you and stood in front of you with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"What made you so upset?" Jean asked softly, looking down at you. You rolled your eyes.

"You remind me of someone I used to know." You explained. "I just can't come to terms with it."

"Was he, like, close?"

"My best friend. His parents and my mom worked together and were very close. They were scouts, so him and I would spend a lot of time together." Your began to further explain. "During the attack, we were left unattended for one fucking second. The titan takes him, and next thing you know, he's gone. I can't help but feel guilty for his death."

Jean didn't know how much of an impact he had on you.

"So now I train. To avenge the dead." You weakly chuckled and stood up.

Jean just stood in shock. "Oh, wow."

"Yea." You whispered.

You walked into your dorm. You saw Sasha peeping through the window and watched you as you came back in. You gave her a look.

"You two have beef." Sasha said.

You just rolled your eyes and hopped back into bed.

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