26: Visions

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You woke up, lightheaded. You blinked a few times and looked around. Everyone — Levi, Hange, Jean, Armin and Mikasa — were looking at Eren, who seemed to be explaining something. You looked at Jean, who was leaning against the wall, rolling his eyes at Eren.

"Jean? What's going on?" You whispered. Jean got startled and jerked his head towards you, which startled you and made you jump.

"Oh, [Y/N]! Thank goodness you're alright!" He ran towards the jail cell.

"What the hell is Eren saying?" You asked Jean. "And why am I in prison?"

"Well, He got to his basement. His father had written a book about the history of the titans and titan shifters and all that good shit, and now he's just blabbering about what he read and Armin is taking notes."  Jean said in one breath.

"Whoa, slow down Jean." You said, taking in all the information. You stood there silently, listening to Eren speak.

"Once the titan shifters have maintained their powers, they only have thirteen more years to live, before their body begins to weaken and the titan effect begins to fade..." Eren explained.

Did you hear that correctly? Your eyes widened.

"..and unless the power is passed onto someone else, the power dies down and isn't useful." Eren finished.

Armin began to restate. "So that means... Eren, you have about eight more years, I have thirteen..."

"And I have less than five..." You muttered, horrified. How early could you possibly die? You wouldn't even get to see the day you turned thirty.

"What? That can't be right! That's impossible!" Jean shouted, gripping harder onto your jail bars. You looked up at him, shaking your head, hopeless.

"That is what the book did say." Levi said, approving.

"Listen, we have to attend a meeting." Hange interrupted. "Everyone, out of your cell." Hange unlocked the cells.

"Hange, I'm not going. I need to speak with Jean." You sighed.

"Why?" She asked. "The meeting is mandatory."

"I'm not going. I need to talk to Jean about something serious. I'm sorry."

"Okay, just get out and go home. I hope everything will be alright." She nodded, unlocking your cell. You and Jean ran up to each other. You hugged him and he picked you up, spinning you around. Everyone else left.

You changed into your uniform and walked home with Jean. It felt nice to finally walk in peace with your lover. Well, not peace of mind.

You reached for his hands, intertwining your fingers with his.

Regardless of all the craziness, you and Jean had recently bought a home in Stohess, close to the Stohess headquarters. It was an nice house, located about five minutes away from the coffee shop you liked.

You unlocked the door and walked in, taking off your heavy boots and sitting down on the couch. Jean sat down beside you.

"So..." he sighed.

You buried your face in your hands. "Less than five years to live?" You muffled. "This is so unfair."

"[Y/N]," Jean sighed. "I wish we could do something."

"There is nothing to be done. I just have to live it up." You said in a sharp tone. "There can't be anything done, anyways."

"Well, our wedding is happening in less than a year, how about we forget about what Eren said and just live?" Jean reminded you.

A switch went off, and you got a crazy... but slightly genius idea.

"Jean. I know what I'm thinking right now is absolutely fucking crazy, but I think we could pass on my titan powers." You lifted your face from your hands and grabbed Jean's right hand.

"What is it?" He asked, intrigued.

"Let's have a child." You said. Your tone was quite serious.

Jean's eyes widened. "W-what?" He stuttered. "You've always joked around about having children, you hate them. Please tell me you're joking."

"No, I'm not. I know this is really sudden, but think. If we have a child within the next year, when the child turns four, I'll be already as good as dead." You said.

"What's your point?" Jean struggled to comprehend.

"My point is, we turn the child into a titan, have it eat me, therefore gaining the power of a titan shifter. The child wouldn't remember any of the process either. That is how it works, isn't it?" You explained.

"That's brutal. We'd stick a needle inside the spine of a four-year-old, make it fall to its death and have it eat it's own mother. You're just tired." Jean let go of your hands and headed towards the kitchen.

"Jean, consider it! It's a smart idea." You looked over your shoulder.

"[Y/N], it's not only about you. A child is both the parents' responsibility. I'm not capable — or ready — to raise a child on my own. I'd be a young father who has to raise a kid and balance out the Survey Corps, all while trying to take care of my sick mother. Shit, let me correct myself. Half-titan child!" Jean shouted. "And even better, I'll witness two of my loved ones disappear right in front of my face, before I even turn fifty! Don't you think I've had enough with Marco? Betrayal from Bertolt, Reiner and Annie? Now you, and then my own kid? You're just being selfish." Jean sighed.

Realization struck you. Is Jean really going through that much pain right now?

"Very well then, I'll give the power to you." You sighed. "You'll be the successor."

"Huh? Why would you trust me?" Jean said.

"Why am I engaged to you if I don't trust you? C'mon, Jean! It would be a waste if this power goes away."

"I wouldn't be able to control it. And imagine, if we actually do have a kid. He'd have no parents. It wouldn't be fair."

"Then we won't."

"Who knows? You know it yourself, we're uncontrollable."

Jean was really not having this titan shit. He was extremely tired and just wanted to go to bed.

"Good night, [Y/N]." He said in a tone that told you to shut up, or else you'd regret it.

You sulked and sighed. "Ugh. Night."

You were still dumbfounded. You only had five years left to live. It would be a waste to throw away the power, but Jean can't handle it, and Jean was right.

You had to figure out who the successor would be before it got too late.

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