37: I've Decided

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You finally went home after a long day with the survey corps. You had been in a meeting about your titan powers and who the successor was going to be, since your term was coming to an end. You had been feeling less energized than you used to feel, and had become a little lazier.

"Jean?" You shouted out, shutting the door behind you. "I'm home!"

He ran down the stairs and proceeded towards you. "Hey!"

He took you in his arms and spun you around, giving you a sweet peck on the lips.

You laughed. "What's all this about?"

"Nothing." Jean put you down. "Just excited to see you."

You scoffed and raised your eyebrows. You took off your jacket and boots.

"Where are the kids?" You asked, noticing the house was a little too quiet.

"They're at my mother's place. She offered to have them spend the night so we could have some time alone. Since...your term is ending." Jean explained.

You hated that sentence. It was a constant reminder of your inevitable death. The one your father put on you.

"How are you feeling, by the way?" Jean asked.

"Drowsy. Tired. My limbs are sore." You replied dryly. "Hungry."

Jean chuckled. "Guess what I managed to get at the supermarket."


"Better. Steak." Jean said confidently.

You gaped in shock. "No."

Jean nodded. "And that's what we have for dinner."

You gave Jean a tight hug. "You're the best."

"I know. Now go shower and get changed. You look like you've seen better days." Jean laughed, shooing you away.

"Haha. That's because I have!"

After showering and getting changed, you followed the smell of seared steak to the kitchen. Jean was in the kitchen, whistling, plating and wearing an apron. You couldn't help but giggle at the scene. You hugged Jean from behind.

"Smells amazing." You muttered.

"Me or the steak?" Jean chuckled, turning around holding two plates of food.

Jean lead you to the ready-made dining table and placed your plate down. You took a seat and cut through the meat.

It was perfectly cooked medium.

Jean sat down in front of you after taking of the apron.

"How'd you learn to cook like this?" You awed.

"I like to think it's a gift." Jean replied, taking a bite out of the meat he cooked. "How do you like it?"

"I love it."

You were always a fan of Jean's cooking. He was amazing at creating something out of nothing, and you really admired the effort he put into his cooking.

"So, I know that you've had a lot on your plate lately." Jean began. "And your mind's been everywhere and such."


"And you're probably not in the mood but...we haven't in a while."

"Haven't what?" You said, finishing up your plate. You took your plate and Jean's and left them 'to soak' in the sink.

God knew those weren't there just to soak.

Jean hesitated.

"What is it, Jean?"

"Made love." He spat.

You were a little shocked that he was even thinking about that. Honestly, you had almost forgotten that that was even on the table. With everything going on and you becoming a mother, sex wasn't even on your mind.

But, it was looking pretty appealing at the moment.

You stared at Jean for a few moments, blinking a little more than usual.

"Ok." You said. "Let's go."

"What?" Jean seemed a little confused.

"Upstairs." You leaned in to kiss Jean. "Make love." You kisses him and ran upstairs.

Jean smirked and followed you up. You entered your room and turned around to see Jean. He came in very close, and you both laughed while kissing each other.

They say marriage kills the romance, but all it needs is a little revival to come back from normalcy.

You unbuttoned Jean's shirt and he lifted yours. You both began taking off your socks and pants while eagerly making your way to the bed. You tumbled on to the bed and Jean fell on top of you like a feather.

You smiled and took his face in your hands, kissing him passionately. You can't remember the last time you felt such desire to be with Jean. But this was likely your last fuck with him.

Jean's kisses began venturing off your lips and onto your cheeks and neck, down to your chest and stomach. He slid his hands behind your back and undid your bra. He threw it away, which made you giggle. Jean came back up to kiss you. You felt his hands grip your waist.

"You're even sexier post-children." He muttered through the kisses.

Truth was, you didn't have the luxury or time to get back to your super fit body, so although you slimmed down, you still had some extra weight.

"Shut the fuck up, you weirdo." You laughed.

You were enjoying this time with Jean. It wasn't as passionate and serious as the other times, but more playful and full of love. It was different in a sweet way.

You began to take of Jean's boxers, but he finished the job. He kissed your stomach and made a trail down to your womanhood, and began sliding down your undies. You helped him out by taking them completely off.

"Ready?" He said.

You nodded. Jean slid himself into you, and began doing the deed.

As you both moved to your own rhythm, you couldn't get enough of him. You ran your hands through his soft, now lengthy hair and kissed him casually.

You moaning his name echoed through the hall, and Jean couldn't get enough of you either. He whispered your name against your ear, along with curses. This was long overdue for both you and Jean.

To make everything melt away with each other's touches, to forget about what hell you lived in. Jean helped you do that and more, and you wished everyday that you could just stay with him forever.

As you both reached your peaks, Jean's movements became a little faster, and you eventually gave in. You relaxed your body and let out a final gasp. Jean finished off. His hot, heavy breaths against your neck made your skin tingle. He pulled out and fell onto his back next to you.

After the sex, you and Jean lay in bed together, silently. You were just enjoying his presence, and he enjoyed yours.

He lay on his back, watching the ceiling while you watched him, and played with his hair.

"Jean?" You mumbled.

"Hmm?" He turned his head.

"I've decided."

"Decided what?"

"Who my successor will be. And thankfully, it's not going to be you."

Jean let out a breath of air, almost in relief. "Then, who is it?"

"My brother. Aubrey Klein."

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