8: Scouts

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Eren woke up to Levi's glares and Erwin's reasonings. But you, you were still sleeping in your cell. Eren waited merely two hours for you to wake up.

Luckily, Hange came in and saved the day before Eren dozed off into a nap himself. Hange clenched her hands to the bars.

"Hi!" She shouted. Startling you, you quickly sat up.

"Took you long enough." Eren scoffed

"Shut it, maniac." You retorted. You looked up and immediately recognized Hange.

"Hange?" You gasped.

"[Y/N]?" She gasped. "Oh, my goodness! I'd never imagine you behind these bars!"

"Me neither!" You chuckled sarcastically.

"Hello?" Eren got Hange's attention. "So, you here to get us out?"

"Oh, yes. Well, not quite." Hange started to unlock the jail door. She took both you and Eren by your hand cuffs and walked you to a court. "I know this may seem a little callous, but we're going to decide whether you live or die in this room."

"Cadet Jean Kirstein! Cadet Mikasa Ackerman! And cadet Armin Arlert! You have been asked to attend a meeting as witnesses!" A soldier shouted as he barged into the the mess hall. The said cadets nodded and followed the soldier.

The courtroom Hange led you into had both the Scout regiment and Military Police Brigade sitting around. Hange tied both you and Eren around some short steel pole in the middle of the salle.

Among the dozens of people there, you saw Jean and your mother sitting side by side, and next to them, Mikasa and Armin. You let out a sigh of relief.

At least they're here. But, where's Marco? You thought.

"This meeting will determine the fates of cadet Yaeger and cadet [L/N]!" A judge shouted. "Both the Military Brigade and the Scouts will have their say on this situation, and will decide whether these cadets live or die!"

You turned your head towards your mother and Jean. Both of them showed serious expressions on their faces.

Mikasa seemed angered, but Armin seemed afraid. As the two regiments duked it out, argued and stated their opinions, you zoned out.

I'll die one day anyway.

Eren started to argue. You just blew your hair out of your face and rolled your eyes.

"Eren, you don't have a say in this." You whispered through your teeth but were ignored. Suddenly, Levi, the one that called you a filthy rat, kicked Eren's face. You grew shocked as you saw one of Eren's teeth get knocked out. You weren't that good of friends with Eren, but this was absurd.

"Eren!" Mikasa shouted.

You glared at Levi. "What the fuck was that?"

You also received a kick to the stomach, and coughed up some blood.

"Was I talking to you, rat?" Levi glared at you, and then brought his attention back to Eren.

You saw Christina trying to hold Jean back. It seemed he wanted to jump the fence.

"Calm down, Jean!" Christina whisper-yelled.

"Did you see that? If he had kicked a little higher up then that would've been lethal!" Jean grit his teeth.

"Don't touch her!" Eren yelled. "She did nothing!" Levi stomped on Eren's head, leaving a bloody puddle right below him.

"You never know when to shut up, do you?" Levi grimaced.

"Asshole!" You tripped Levi with one of your legs. Levi caught himself in midair. He gave a small chuckle and stood back up.

"Feisty, huh?" Levi snickered, kicking you in the stomach once again.

You coughed up a puddle of blood, much more than before.

"Just like your reckless mother." Levi stated. Your mom growled.

"I think we can make use of these two shits, don't you think, Erwin?" Levi turned towards Erwin, the Scout's commander.

You zoned out during another argument. You coughed again, making blood drip from your mouth.


You weakly gave Jean a desperate glare. Jean saw you suffering but felt incredibly guilty he couldn't do anything about it.

"Ok, the decisions been made." Levi stated as you came back to reality. "You're both part of the Scouts now. We will make sure to give use to your... abilities."

"The scouts?" You thought aloud. You turned your head to Jean.

Jean was unhappy. He looked at you sincerely. He was going to do something about this. All you could think of was you never seeing your friends again. They were going to join the Military, while you were being sent away to the Scouts.

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