27: Discoveries

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You woke up the next morning. You were in your bed, alone. Jean wasn't next to you. You sat up.

"Jean?" You shouted. No reply.

You threw off your covers and got up. You paced down the stairs and checked if Jean was there; he wasn't.

You looked out your window and noticed that it was pouring rain. Someone knocked on the door. You glanced over and opened it.

Jean quickly walked through, soaked.

"Hey." You said, closing the door.

"Hi." Jean's clothes were dripping. He took off his boots and hung his coat.

"Where did you go?" You asked.

"I visited my mother." He answered.

"Oh! How is she?"

"She's been doing better."

"That's good."

Jean's mom was quite old, and had been very sick. Jean visited her whenever he could.

"I heard we're on a hurricane watch." Jean told.

"Really?" You were shocked.

"Yep. The wind is picking up." Jean explained. "But it's only a rumour, I think."

"I sure hope it's just a rumour." You said, thinking of the damage a hurricane could do, and God knows what it could do to the walls. "I don't need my roof flying off."

"My mom asked way too much about you." Jean sat down on the couch. You began making yourself some breakfast.

"Oh yea?" You chuckled. "Like what?"

"Nothing really, just stuff like 'how's she doing' and 'when is she coming with you' and stuff like that."

"I've only seen her twice." You giggled.

"She really likes you."

Jean headed to the kitchen and gave you a peck on the lips.

There was a long silence, except for the clattering of dishes and food sizzling.

"Are you still thinking about last night?" Jean asked, leaning on the counter.

"I don't know, Jean." You sighed. "I don't want to die."


"I was so bummed when I heard the news though. I dreamt of starting a family with you. Growing old together." You muttered. "My whole life's a disappointment."

"We'll find a way to make things better. I'm sure there's a way." Jean grumbled.

Gazing at Jean, you looked for reassurance. He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you.

Jean lifted you. You wrapped your legs around Jean's waist, and placed you on the countertop.

You broke apart. You removed Jean's t-shirt and stared at his eyes.

"God, I love you, Jean." You whispered.

You crashed your lips with Jean's and began unbuttoning his shirt. He gripped your waist and pulled you closer to him.

You slipped and fell, but luckily, Jean caught you. You both broke into a laugh.

Someone knocked at the door.

"Way to ruin the mood." Jean chuckled.

You got yourself back up. "I'll go change."

"Okay." Jean replied. He walked towards the door, buttoning his shirt on the way.

Jean answered. It was Mikasa. She wore a rain jacket that was surprisingly keeping her dry.

"Oh, Mikasa!" Jean greeted her, surprised.

Mikasa peeked inside the house and saw you running up the stairs.

"Was I interrupting something?" She asked, in her cynical voice.

"No, not at all."

Mikasa handed Jean a letter. "Some guy came by the headquarters and dropped this off. He said he was looking for [Y/N]."

"Okay, I'll give it to her." Jean said. The letter was barely touched by the water.

You ran downstairs. "Hey, Mikasa!"


You mouthed the words, "Did you find anything?"

She shrugged.

"Jean, let her in."

Mikasa walked past Jean and began to take off her jacket and boots.

Jean closed the door and took her coat, hanging it.

"The rain feels like hail." Mikasa noted.

"You want a coffee?" You offered.

"No, I'm okay, thanks."

Mikasa sat on the armchair next to the coffee table. You sat on the couch.

"I've been researching all night and I've found nothing." Mikasa told you. "I've read practically every book ever written on the titans and the serum."

Jean was lost at first, but soon began to hint at some things. He sat next to you.

"Nothing at all?" You muttered.

"On the last mission, we found a few serums in Eren's basement. One of them wrote 'prolong' on them." Mikasa added. "We think they could prolong yours and Eren's life. But, we are still unsure. Hange is working on it."

"I'm sure Hange can find something." You said.

"I hope so." Mikasa sighed. She looked outside. "I think I'll leave before the storm gets worst."

"Ok. Thank you, Mikasa. Update me soon." You waved.

"Ok." Mikasa left, closing the door behind her.

"What was that?" Jean asked.

"We're trying to find out how I can live longer." You smiled.

"That would be ideal." Jean gave you the letter Mikasa had handed him before. "Mikasa said someone was looking for you and left this."

You took it and opened it. There was a letter inside. You read it.

Dear [Y/N],
I know this is sudden, and probably shocking. I found out about you through one of my friends, who said he trained with you in the cadets. It shocked me that you had the same last name as my mother, Christina [L/N]. I then contacted commander Keith Shadis and asked him about you. He said your mother was also named Christina [L/N].

I think I may be your brother.

We should meet and have a coffee sometime.

Aubrey Klein

"What the actual fuck." You spat.

"What is it?" Jean asked, leaning closer.

"It's a letter from a guy that claims to be my brother."

"Didn't Shadis tell you something about a half-brother?"


"You should reply."

"He wants to meet up."

"Then do it. I'll come with you."

You wrote a note on the back of the letter;

Dear Aubrey,

I'd love to meet you. Stohess Cafe at four o'clock next Saturday? Can't wait!

[Y/N] [L/N]

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