First ...

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It all started Senior year of high school ......


First day of school .... September 6,14


"Now class this year is the most important day of your life. Why? Because this is the year before you graduate and become young adults" I sat and listened to this boring ass teacher that I knew didn't give a fuck about us or our futures. Half of our teachers believe most of us won't make it anyways.

"STFU" I yelled "Mr. Graham, already we have a problem" I just stared at his ugly ass and nodded. "Detention then" he said pointing to the door to leave.

I knew he didn't feel like dealing with me on the first day of school. Like I care or cared idgaf.


He pissed me off so I just figured I'd skip today. Security is never heavy the first day. So I went to Mannys, that's my boy he dropped out of school like 2 years ago to sell on the streets of California.

"Nigga what you want. I know what you want some money right. You see nigga the only way you getting some money is if you selling." Manny said. "Man you know Im not like that" I said "yeah I know because you ain't nothing but a little bitch" he spat at me. I hated when he did this because I know that he knows imma prove him wrong. "What I gotta do" "okay this is the weed 100$ a baggy. If they say they'll give the rest later. Don't fall for IT. Always collect yo money before giving up the weed nigga. That's how you gone make some money." Manny said. We did our handshake thing then he gave me the weed and a small gun for protection.


When it got dark I picked a corner and the night went well I had like 10 clients meaning 1000$ dollars. I gave Manny the money and he gave me 400$ dollars. I was happy ass hell. But as I walked home I felt eyes on me. Like somebody following me and as soon as I turned around somebody grabbed me. "Nigga who the fuck told you you could sell on my block" he yelled in my ear. Then that's when shit escalated. I couldn't see anything and they tied my hands behind my back. And just began kicking and hitting me recklessly. "Nigga you gone learn today" "you don't come back nigga"one said.

I don't know how long they jumped me but it felt like hours.

I slept there that day. "Um, sir are you okay" I heard a girl I guessed voice say to me. I tried to talk but I only coughed up blood surprisingly. "Come on Kyndal we gotta help em" they took off the blind fold and I saw to girls in front of me. One was like a Carmel skin tone and the other was brown skin 😩👅💦💧. Man the thirst was real.

They were both pretty but the darker one was sexy ass helllllllll.

Anyways they untied me and helped me up " how did you get here" " I was jumped" they had a concerned look on their face for some reason. "Come with me" she said "first can I get your names " I said wiping my eyes. "I'm Lauren and that's Kyndal" Lauren said

That's when it all started .......



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