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"Baby I gotta go I'll see you later" he kissed me and walked out leaving me on the floor to clean myself up.

What the fuck happened to him. He never acted like this when we were together. Tane .....

He left me with six bruises and a busted lip. Two on my lower stomach, two on my back, and one on each leg.

I wasn't going down without a fight and he fought. I was tired and useless I couldn't fight back he was much stronger than me and he had a knife.

So he did what he had to do and left ....

He told me to spread my legs and I listened because he had his knife a little to close to my ribs.

I didn't enjoy anything, it was forced and it wasn't genuine.

- 7:00 pm

I went upstairs and took a shower ..

I was tired and I just wanted to sleep. After I got out the shower I looked in the mirror and saw how distorted and disfigured my face looked. Then I remembered Dre was suppose to come over today.

I sighed and looked at my phone, I had 5 missed calls and 2 of them were from drake. So I called him back "hello " I said tired. "I'm on my way bae" he said. "No imma fall asleep on you, don't come" I said. "Are you sick, you sound horrible"

"Naw I'm not sick I'm just tired " I said "wassup the other day you wanted me to come over so bad but I couldn't and now I can so I'm coming" he said.

"I'm not opening the door"
"I gotta key remember for emergency" "Dre I said for emergencies, this isn't a emergency" I said "It Is I see you in a few minutes" he said hanging up.

I got up as fast as I could and ran to the bathroom. I grabbed my concealer and started covering the scars on my legs. Even know I'm dark skin don't mean you can't see it the shit turned purple a bright purple. And it was still sore so it kinda burned if that makes since.

After I finished I looked at my face and I had a lot of work to do. So I just put the concealer all over my face then applied my foundation and I put lipstick on my lips to hide my busted lip. At the end it still looked horrible so I grabbed my ski mask and pulled it over my face. I know destroying my face makeup. Anyways I had no time because he was here and he had unlocked it on his own.

"Baby , it stank wtf is you cooking" he said loud as hell hurting my head ache that just came up. "Baby go home tonight isn't a good time" I said. I guess he didn't give a fuck.

Damn it he found me " why you wearing a mask" he questioned. "Gimmie a kiss" he said

I stepped away from him "Kay why you acting so wierd, I wanna kiss" he said whining.

"I'm not feeling good (cough) (cough)see you don't wanna kiss this" I said. I don't know how but he found his way over to me and kiss the fuck outta me. "Why yo lips feel swollen" he questioned. "You ask a lot of questions " I said unaware of where his hands going. They were going to my mask that he ripped off so fastly. His smile quickly faded into a blank expression. I guess because most of the make up rubbed off onto the mask. I dropped to my knees and covered my face with hands.

"Baby it's okay, who did this" I wouldn't answer so he picked me up and brung me to the bathroom. " look at me" he commanded and he seemed seriously conserved so I did. He quickly took it in and got a wash cloth the wash the make up off and the lipstick. Until a drop got on my leg and the concealor dropped onto the floor from my leg. "What the hell" he said then he wiped it and he got mad as hell.

"Kyndal wtf happened, I swear to god if you don't say shit " then this crazy ass Punched a whole in my wall. " nigga you gone fix that" he just looked at me and I knew he wasn't playing.

" does this have anything to do with Ray" he said " hell naw I woulda beat his ass" he exhaled " then who"

"Tane " I said

" why did he do it " he asked

I told him and I guess he felt remorse so he picked me up and placed my on the bed. " you can tell me anything okay anything" he said kissing me leaving me. " where you going"

" To get you something for the pain" he said.

Kamikaze : A Drake <3 storyWhere stories live. Discover now