What the fuck happened

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Ray took me to the station after I told him everything. He was still as if he wasn't alive just making the motions. Once we got there I needed help to walk in.

"Aubrey Graham" I asked the secretary

"He's in the holding cell 09 miss" she pointed too

Me and Ray walked towards the cell and we saw him sitting on the floor. "Aubrey" before he got to say anything the officer began "Miss can we talk" Ray left me as I walked in the interrogation room. I guess he wanted to talk to Drake.


"So miss, tell me what happened" he said " he beat me because I didn't wanna be with him and then he (sigh) he raped me" I struggled to say. "Evidence" I weakly stood up and showed him my legs and stomach which was bruised the most. "Okay ma' am you two are free" he said I guess he felt bad because he helped me to the door to leave.

"Mr.Graham you can leave with no charge, the other man will be interrogated when he comes back from the hospital" the officer said.


Ray drove Aubrey to Walgreens to pick up his car and he took me home.
"Thanx ray" I said staring into space.
"Your welcome baby girl" he said walking into my house. "Sky's been real irritating lately, all she does is complain about me cheating with you" ray said. "Ewww, no offence your my brother tell her she ain't got nothing to worry about" I said.

"I did she don't listen" "she just wants attention Ray, give it to her" I said.

Aubrey walked in with a bag of goodies. "Gimmie gimmie" "well imma leave see you later man" ray said to Aubrey.


I went home and a random car was in the parking lot. So I unlocked the door and Cameron was watching Oswald, so I kissed her and went upstairs when I began to smell weird aromas. I opened our room and ......... I almost fainted.


"My man coming over here today" "yo man nigga we didn't discuss this, there will be no dick to dick penetration in my house" she said eating my chips.
"I'm talking bout Chresanto, and I ain't gay" I said

To be continued

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