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Surprisingly he was still here. Mike never stayed he always left a note and gave an excuse to leave me. Since me and drake are friends I didn't really expect him to stay or anything. I guess he's a loyal friend. After that Best Friend.


So I went downstairs to cook him some breakfast since we weren't going to school. The first week usually doesn't matter anyway. Plus we're seniors Shandrel will get my work hopefully.

Later he came downstairs. "Morning" I said "morning" he said yawning. "I made you breakfast to say thank you".

"Thx but I need a shower" he said "okay Well go upstairs to mine cause Lauren taking a shower now. You know how she is. " I said " Kay and thx".

He left and went upstairs and I covered the food and went upstairs to change my clothes. I couldn't really find anything to wear and Aubrey was finishing his shower up.

He walked out and I swear I couldn't stop staring. He cleared his throat "Kyndal" he said. "Ah yeah" "you okay"he said.

"I know I'm sexy but damn" that's when I rolled my eyes and went back to looking for my clothes. Obviously nasties he had a towel on though.

Just to make him mad though I striped with my back towards him. After I took off my bra I know I had him. "Can you help me put on this bra" I made sure he didn't see anything just my back. He helped and I put my shirt back on.

"That's bow" he said "what". "You know what you did. Don't be teasing me. Before you regret it" he said. "Oh really. It was payback for that little comment" I said. "Watever" he said.


We ate and just chilled at my house.


My phone rang so obviously I answered. "Hey man where you at " ray said "at kyndals" I said. " the new girl" " no the old girl hell yeah dumb ass". " damn calm the fuck down. We wanted to know cause you ain't come last night and Jada asked for you". Jada is a girl that is dick hungry and she won't stop til she get full. The bitch dirty ass fuck and she stank. "You think I care" I said.

"Man we just playing we wanted to make sure you was alright plus we wanted to see the girl" ray said. "How you know it was a girl" I said "cause you ain't come last night". "And " I said. "We know you hit" he said. "Naw we not like that" I said trying to avoid saying we're just friends. " yet so she gave you head" ray said "nigga no". "Okay so y'all friends" he said "yeah".

"Nothing more" he said "maybe". "I see you nigga and bring her to my house everybody coming over" he said. "Time" "4:30" then he hang up.

Kyndal just stared at me. "What" I said. "You gotta go don't you". "Yeah but you coming with me".

"Nigga did I say I wanted to come" she said "No but I gotta feeling you wanna come because you don't want me to leave" 😝.

"Who said that" she said "You. You gotta leave don't you" I said copying how she said it. Then she pushed me "whatever and I don't sound like that". "Whatever I don't sound like that" I said mocking her. "Stop" she said smiling.

Then I just stared for a minute. "What" she said. "I've never seen you smile before" I said. "Oh" "it's pretty keep doing it"

"Thx" she said blushing







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