Trust me

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I woke up and I saw the doctor talking to drake, it was almost as if they were laughing. "Good morning " he said walking out. "What he say" I asked, he looked away. "Nothing important" he finally replied.

"Aubrey how are you going tell me you not going to the hospital unless I'm there, if your just not gonna tell me nothing that's going on. " I said frustrated.

"Just trust me it's nothing serious"
"If it is I'm killing you" I said crossing my arms.

"Come here" he said smiling
"No, I'm mad at you right now" I said
"If you were mad why would you tell me" he said.

I sighed and walked towards him. "What " I said covering my mouth.

"What's wrong with your mouth"

"I have morning breathe" I said turning around going into the bathroom with the bag Makayla packed for me.


I came out and the doctors came back. "Wassup" I said "I'm getting a cat scan" Aubrey said. "Ma'am when he come back he's gonna get surgery so we want you to go home." The doc said

"So everybody wants me to go home now" I said running out the room with my stuff.

"I'm sorry man" the doc said to Aubrey "she'll be okay, she just doesn't know what's going on"


I hopped in my car and drove to Rays house.

Knock knock
Knock knock

I got irritated so I called him.

"Ray answer the door" I said

"I'm not at home me and Sky went to breakfast with the little one at IHOP.
" he said

"Oh ......... That's great I jus ..." He interrupted "you okay Kay"
"I'm fine, just call me when you have some free time" I said hanging up.

I decided to go back home and cook.


Then someone called me ...

"Hello "
"Is this Kyndal "
"Who's asking" I said
"Tane" he said

"Tane what do you want" I said annoyed

"Dang, I just wanted to tell you I'm graduating from college"

"Congratulations" I said not interested

"I wanted to invite you to my graduation party🍻. I mean we once had something, and I was just wondering" he said

"I'm in a relationship" I said

"With who" he said

"It's none of your business. I haven't talked to you in years and you call me asking me questions. "

"Look come if you want to. It's gonna be at club67 on Berkeley road, May 20th. P.s I love you" he said hanging up

"Omfg why me,"I said looking at my food that now is burnt.

"Pizza Zhut it is"🍕

I picked up my keys and grabbed a jacket walking towards my door to turn on the alarm system and lock the door.
🚗I drive to the closes Pizza Zhut. Then a asked for a "small vegetarian pizza" payed my money and collected my food. I got bored at home so I decided to go to Lauren's house. 😒🏠

Knock knock

"Hey bitch" she said

"Hey" I said intruding 🎈

"Who said you could walk in" she said
"Shut up, anyways Aubrey's in the hospital" I said 😥

"I thought you went out with Tane" she said "he's my Ex Lauren. Anyways where is Sophie" Sophie is my niece she's 2 now. "She's upstairs sleeping"

"What you cook" I said "nothing I ordered pizza" she said. "Me too, I burnt my food on the phone"

"With who breanday" "his name is Aubrey and no it was Tane" I said
"Oww girl you gotta side nigga" she said. "No he just called to invite me to a grad party" I said.

"I Neva know nothing about you now a days, so distant" she said

"Patrick will be here in a few so hurry it up" she said

"Dang why I gotta leave when he come anyways" I said

"Cause Sophie sleep and the freaks come out at night" I just stared at her like she was crazy. "That's my cue to leave" I said walking towards the door. "Love you sissy, bye" I said "love you too, bye".

By the way Patrick is her husband. I know right he turned a hoe into a house wife.

I just hope he's telling me the truth ....

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