Ketch - up

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I hope you guys know that you guys are still in the past of my life ....

You see that year she stayed with Tane and avoided me the whole time.

She put a hold on college because one she didn't know what she wanted to be and two she was pregnant. Until . . .


I got up because my tummy was hurting and I had to use the bathroom. Gotta go when you gotta go not to mention I'm 6 months pregnant. So I walked to the bathroom and I opened the toliet. Then I start singing "sittin on the toliet sittin I the toliet" and then I released my fluids and unexpectantly I had to do more then just number one if you know what I mean.

When I tryed to get off the toliet a pain in my back came and I was still connected to something. I opened my legs and I saw .....

The worst thing ever my still baby. My baby that was close to arrival. Right then I just bursted into tears. Tane wasn't there.

I cleaned up and took the baby out toliet into an old shoe box.


A week later I went to the doctor and told him the news. Tane was back from tour with his group he had with DeMarco and Cameron. " hey baby" he said kissing me. He realized my small stomach and he questioned me.
"While you were gone. I I had a miscarriage" I said tearing up.

So you see that was the end of there relationship. He accused her of killing the baby later and they broke up sad right. Not really for me because that's when she started talking to ray again and then finally faced her fears and started talking to me.

Which is why we're what we are now.

Just keep listening ... to me ...... Aubrey ....

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