Heart ache

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So after we saw Anthony get his ass beat by Ms. Z which was hilarious we left. That was Saturday so today is Sunday. After I dropped Kyndal off she seemed a little upset so when I got home I called her and we talked for a while. We'll more like all night so I'm exhausted. I mean I didn't wake up until like 2:00 pm. Since we missed the majority of school last week, I gotta go this week.

Ever since my mom died I haven't really been myself. I guess the guys wanna cheer me up. So the plan is that on spring break we have a party at my house I mean it's big enough plus we have a pool. The house was one reason why my ma tolerated my dad. Plus she always told me when you love something never let it go. Honestly I don't think she understood what she was saying. Because I'm dad didn't live her. He couldn't have if you love someone you wouldn't beat them and treat them the way he did her.

At least that's what I thought. Even though he hurt my mom he didn't dare touch me because I wasn't scared to back down like my ma. I don't care that he's my dad. We'll my sperm donor. He doesn't even try to be a father. The last time he asked for me was to borrow some money. In a wierd way I think he kept my mom sane. My mom had a list of medical issues but seemed to keep it together. Only by the grace of God she would say.


"Can I come over" she said "I'm not really in the mood Kyndal" I said. "In the mood for what". "Not that your a bother I just have stuff on my mind right now". "I know and I wanna be there for you" she said. "I'm not sure if you can". Then she hung up.

Whatever she's probably mad but she doesn't clearly understand.

The paster at my church thought I needed an inspiration so he bought me a puppy. He said he's gonna give it to me tomorrow. Honestly I don't want no dirty ass mutt I got enough of them example Anthony.

Anyways . . . .


He was irritating me so I decided I gotta car. I'll drive myself, since when do I get ordered from a nigga.

Then my phone rang

"Hey baby, I miss you. When you coming home" mike said "nigga as soon as yo dick grow, never we over bitch" then I hung up as easy as that. I cried enough the day I found out. I ain't wasting another fuck. That I shouldn't be giving. I knew Mike wouldn't be faithful. His thirsty ass can't keep his dick in his pants.

Anyways I got dressed and I drove to Aubrey's. I walked up to the door I hesitated but I knocked.

He came to the door and rolled his eyes. "Kyndal I said no" he said. "Nigga I heard you that doesn't mean I have listen now move" I said intruding.

"Now wassup wit you" he started covering his face and I didn't know why. "Drake what's wrong".

"Nothing you really shouldn't be here" he said "but here" I said.

"God dammit Kyndal just listen"

So I did . . . .







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