Come with mehh

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So I followed them and then I realized my mom was probably worried about me shit. Unless my dad came home. He never does but when he does my mom falls for his shit and gets beat again. I don't know why she deals with his shit.

"Um Kyndal show em to the bathroom so he can get fixed up" she walked down the hall and gave me a face towel. "So here's the bathroom, do what you do" she said making hand movements. So I walked unraveled the towel and a toothbrush was in it. I washed my face then brushed my teeth. Then I washed my face again because I got some toothpaste on my face. Don't ask. After I was done I used the restroom and finally looked around the bathroom. It was big compared to mine. I mean it had a tub and a shower. I only have a tub, ya now with the shower connected. Like normal people. "You okay in there" Kyndal said. " yeah I said flushing the toilet and washing my hands and opening the door to see her standing by the door. "We're you, we're you waiting on me" I said " Um naw tf I look like" she said hesitantly. "Um there's some food in the kitchen" she said "I'm not hungry I really gotta go" I said "okay we'll let me drive you" "why Are you being so nice, I mean I could've been a rapist anything" "my dumbass sister told me to" she said "Kyndal I can hear you imma beat yo ass" Lauren said "bitch try me idgaf. You ready" "yeah". So we walked outside and got in the car. It was hot 90• degrees hot. I guess Kyndal was to 💦🙎👀. She took her jacket off and I damn near fainted. She had on a tube top. Nigga when I say a tube too I mean them niggas in her tube top was Finns fall out. 👀👅 I had to hide my 🍌🌽🍭you get it right. Haha but for real I'm bout to die. "What's your address" she said at the time I was tryin to figure out her bra size so I wasn't really paying attention "Um Double D" my stupid ass said knowing that's a fucking bra size. "Um I don't think that's an address, "then she looked my way and saw what I was looking at. She quickly pulled her shirt up 👎when I really just wanted
to grab em 👐. But I couldn't😞


Sorry it's short ....



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