Understand me

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"Just leave me alone"
"You wanted me here now I'm here"
"At first, but you started talking to me like I was irritating you. So I said obviously he doesn't give a fuck" I said
"Look I do I was just fustrated"
"What do you have to be fustrated over. Everything's fine, all I wanted to do was go out some where and spend some time with you since amber and Chresanto been here. We haven't had any privacy." I said
"What the fuck do we need privacy for?" He says
"If you don't know I guess we don't" i said
"What do we need privacy for?" He asked again
"I don't know you tell me, and why are you so pissed at me. What the fuck did I do" I explained turning off the shower still sitting down.
"Look you've been acting real fake lately"
"I ain't never fake, the only fake one is you. If you don't wanna be with me no more just say it and save my heart from aching so much" I said
"As if you really care about me. Before when ever id kiss you you'd walk away or even tell me to stop. I look at you as we're both grown so why can't I kiss and touch my girl. It makes me feel like you don't wanna be with me. Like You just went out with me because I was sick." He said
"That's not true look Aubrey, there's some things I haven't really told you. I love you so much but I have commitment issues. Honestly I know your a man and you have needs. Like sex and everything else, but after the whole TANE thing I've just wanted to slow down. I know it's not fair to you but I haven't been really content with my body and I don't want you-" he cut me off
"You should have just came to me about it. I thought you didn't care for me or just didn't want to be with me." He said
"As much as I love you I just feel like. If you kiss me too long or touch me in an uncomfortable way that I wouldn't be able to control myself."I said
"I am pretty sexy ain't I" he said cockily
"Your really not, but honestly in the beginning of me and Tane's relationship I wanted it to be celibate. But he didn't want that and he already had 'fallen for me'. That's how I got pregnant and him physically beating and forcing me to drink alcohol didn't help." I said walking past him into my bedroom to take a Advil for my approaching headache.
He followed shortly sitting next to me "I just wish you would have told me. All this time I've felt like you just weren't attracted to me" he expressed
"Bae can you hand me my newspaper" Tane said "yeah" I said walking towards the door.
"Hurry the fuck up damn" he said calmly
"Nigga who the fuck you talking to" I say
"Bitch who else, I asked you to get me the paper and as always yo ass act like it's super far. Maybe if you weren't so damn stupid you'd be able to do it." He spitted out
"Shut the fuck up, Tane I don't give a fuck got damn. The only person that's dumb is yo ass because the newspaper and Mail is two completely different things fag. "I say
He quickly sprang up grabbing me by my neck throwing my across the room. I began coughing from the pressure he had in my neck. "You are what the fuck I say you are okay. I love you so much and I know what's best for yo sexy ass. Listen tonight when we have sex wear my favorite lingerie. I mean it" he said slapping me.
This nigga crazy I thought

"Bring me some coffee" he announced as if I wasn't still recovering from his forceful blows.
"Yes baby" I said getting up to grab his coffee practically running trying to impress him. "That's more like it" he said smacking my ass.
I went upstairs to fix my self up from his new damage he did to me. I had a purplish gash across my cheek giving inferences that he just smacked the shit out of me. "I love you" kept running through my head. He loves me we'lol get better soon. As soon as he learns about his baby he'll calm down. I put some foundation on to cover it and ran back down stairs.
"Baby I need to tell you something" I said "wassup" he said annoyed "I'm pregnant" his eyes grew big with fury and he recited "it's not my baby". "You took my virginity and I'm pregnant so" I said. As soon as I thought he walked up to me to hit me he pressed his plush lips to mine. Engulfing me in a very passionate kiss "I told you I love you and I know what's best okay" he said I smiled and nodded. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of Cirocc.
I went to sit on the couch happy at his reaction for a change. Until he jumped on me choking me almost to open my mouth. He poured the alcohol down my throat forcefully I almost couldn't breathe. Then when the bottle was empty he used it as a bat. He hit my stomach repeatedly over and over and over again. Until I started to cough up blood.
He then left out the house lastly saying "I love you"
I rubbed her cheek as she started to cry. "I really thought he loved me" she said silently crying
I grabbed her to console her of course.
"Baby I'm here if never let anything happen to you" I said
"I promise I'll give you all of me when I'm ready baby" she said crying in my arms.
"Don't worry about it, that's what baby lotion is for." I said she removed her head from my chest to look up with a reassuring smirk.
"I love you so much" she said
"I love you more"
"How's that possible" Kay said
"Because it indescribable" I said
For a minute we stood there like statues admiring each other until I let her lips meet mine. Passionately and deeply we were moving our lips together in a rhythmic motion. I knew ever since I met her we'd be together for ever. She'd have my babies and I'd be her husband. It's coming and I think I'm ready to give her all of me. As long as she's ready to give me all of her.

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