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When I saw her walk out my house it was bad enough. Now that I see her for the first time and she has him now. I have lied to myself numerous times trying to get her out my head. But I can't it's like we're not meant to be.

But I know in my heart that were meant to be. I just knew I had her around my finger until this happened.
I just know she hates me.

If she didn't she wouldn't have kissed that nigga in front of me.

I'm dealing with a lot right now and I just wish she's understand . . .


Today was great after seeing Aubrey, I was thrown of from my trace of thought . But eventually Tane came back and the kiss sweetened my thoughts.

After school we went to Tane's house and I met his brother.

" Niggah get to ass downstairs" Tane yelled at his brother.

"Wtf you want bitch" he said

" this is Kyndal my girlfriend" he said introducing us.

"Hey I'm Ryan his better looking, smarter, and almost better at everything he does" he said as Tane face palmed and Ryan shook my hand.

I laughed it was funny I could tell, Ryan was really chill. "He's always like this, stressed out. I'm not try me" Tane caught the hint he was flirting and we went to his room.

"You can't just take her away from me. She is a human ya know. A sexy ass one too" Ryan said as Tane shut his door.

I was blushing so hard

"Your turning purple"
"Sorry, I'm not used to compliments" I said

"Why not, your beautiful" he said rubbing my chin ever so softly.

I turned shyly "idk my past relationships were different"

"How so" he said sitting down on his bed asking me to follow him with his hands.

" they all, we're either verbally or physically abusive" I said ashamed "I don't really wanna talk about it"

"Then what you wanna do" he said concerned

"What do you normally do"

"Just chill and eat" he said

"Fatty" I said grabbing his phone
"Who said you could take my phone" he said

"I did. now let me see. Who's this aww"

"What" he said trying to see my view

"My picture is your screen" I said

"Yeah and guess my passcode"

"Ok but if I lock your phone" he interrupted

"It's 1 1 0 2 "

"And that is "

"The day we started going out" he said
I smiled and we kissed for the second time.

I was so happy . . . . 😚😘

I'm so caught up in my thoughts . . .

Kamikaze : A Drake <3 storyWhere stories live. Discover now