I want you doe

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So it's been a week since amber and Chresanto left me and drake we haven't really had a time to ourselves so I've planned alittle something something. *wink emoji*. "Morning baby" I said kissing his cheek "morning "he said a little groggy "I made you some breakfast-" he cut me off. "I'm just gonna head to the gym but thank you" he said rejecting my food. I just stared at him confused "stop staring, I know you want some" he said smirking. "Boy please if I wanted some I could get some" I said "oh" he replied leaving the house without a goodbye. Why he being so petty and sensitive to shit I say. Knowing I'm not serious, whatever he'll get over it. I made me a plate that was intended for two and instead now for one. It was kinda irritating because he never went this early and if so he'd tell me the night before so I didn't waste my time making breakfast for his stupid ass. He's been acting a little different ever since they left and I don't know why. Different as in him being more distant. Instead of him sleeping in the same bed as me he sleep in the guest room some nights and he's more quiet like to himself. I don't like it I want my boyfriend back. We've been through too much shit for him to wanna be stank acting.


I left because I was fustrated with Kyndal not just her but all of her Kyndal Emani Tenley. Everyday I wake up next to her and I feel like she's hurt or doesn't want me like I want her. I feel like she just started going out with me because she felt bad that I had a illness and now that I'm better Shes irritated by me. Fuck dat if she don't want me she should just tell me. Because playing boyfriend and girlfriend isn't enough for me right now. I drive to my local gym and I parked my car. There wasn't that many people here and I was kinda happy because I needed to just concentrate on my workout. The Thots that be here is ridiculous *lerkin emoji*. Anyway I was working on cardio and my legs today since I needed to gain some weight. Just for muscles though, I usually try to work out when I feel insecure. Especially when I'm having relationship problems. I turned on my music and put my earphones in. I zoned out and that's how I like it. Then I got a call from Kyndal and it interrupted my music. Which pissed me off because I wasn't in the mood to talk to her. I got off the treadmill and answered. "Hello" I said out of breathe "baby I miss you when u coming back" she said "I've only been gone for like 30 minutes you'll live" I said. "I have something planned for us" she said "I think I'll take a rain check, I'm gonna go home later" I said "ok see you then". "Kyndal you don't get it, I'm going to my apartment" "why I wanted to talk to about something, I wanted to hang out" she said. "We always hang out, I need some air. Let me breathe damn, always down my throat. And you interrupted my music." I said "whatever I'll talk to you later I guess" I hung up after she said that. I was tired of being around somebody so fake I didn't know myself. I'm not gone lie I love her, I knew we'd have something ever since I first met her when she helped me, back in the day.

I don't know how long they jumped me but it felt like hours.

I slept there that day. "Um, sir are you okay" I heard a girl I guessed voice say to me. I tried to talk but I only coughed up blood surprisingly. "Come on Kyndal we gotta help em" they took off the blind fold and I saw to girls in front of me. One was like a Carmel skin tone and the other was brown skin 😩👅💦💧. Man the thirst was real.

They were both pretty but the darker one was sexy ass helllllllll.

Anyways they untied me and helped me up " how did you get here" " I was jumped" they had a concerned look on their face for some reason. "Come with me" she said "first can I get your names " I said wiping my eyes. "I'm Lauren and that's Kyndal" Lauren said
As I reminisced about old times I kinda felt bad about what I said to her. I feel like I should just tell her how I feel. I don't fuck wit fake people and I've known Kyndal for so long and she's never been fake. All of a sudden though I feel some type of way, maybe it's just me I don't even know. I guess she has a right to know though.

As I finished my workout I felt worse and worse about the whole situation. She's my girlfriend and I love her. I gotta make this right.

I packed and gathered everything into my car. Then I remembered when my mom had died and she was there for me.

"I'm listening" I said "I mean why are you here I told you not to be" he said

"You think I really take orders from you now hell naw. I don't listen to nobody so get over it." I said crossing my arms on my chest.

Aubrey clenched his jaw.


"Why can't you just listen okay, you don't know shit about me just leave." I said

"Unless you wanna argue about this shit all fucking day you would calm down. I don't really understand why I can't be here you ain't doing shit." She said

That made me so fucking mad she just doesn't know what I'm going through right now. So I just breathed to calm down.

"That's a start now sit down" she said

So I did ....

"Now I said I'm listening so tell me"

"Don't know if I wanna tell you" I said "it doesn't really look like you have a choice" 😣

"Whatever, I'm just mourning my mom kyndal and I wanna be alone." I said clenching my jaw again.

"And how do you know that being alone is best for you at this time. Aubrey I'm your friend I wanna be there for you, like you were for me." She said

I understood there's just things that I have to handle by myself.

"Thanx for coming but really I need to do this on my own" I said she smiled and walked to the door.

"Ill call to check on you later don't do something stupid" she said closing and leaving my house.
After a few minutes I reached her house and knocked on the door. She didn't answer so I used my key. "Kyndal, kyndal, kyn-" that's when I saw her on the couch passed with a bottle of moscato in her hand. "Dre " she said "yeah baby"I replied "you said u'd be here later. Because you don't love me anymore" she said "baby I love you" then I realized she was drunk. "Um come with me so u can shower, so you can sober up." "No It burns, leave me" so I picked her up and walked her upstairs. "Wtf are you doing, I left my tutu down stairs with Elmo" she said "shhhh " I said trying not to laugh. I put her on her bed and started the shower. "Woof woof woof" she barked "baby stop" she tried to bite me so I smacked her ass. She stopped and I put her in the shower with her clothes on I'm not gonna take advantage of her. After about 30 minutes she sobered up. "What are you doing here"
"I'm sorry"

What the fuck did I do

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