Backround | College Days

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Today's the actual day their coming and I'm so excited. Because their staying for a while I don't actually know how long though. All I know is we have a long history from college. You guys think I never went to college I did I just never finished. Because their coming Aubrey's gonna sleep over my house until they leave I guess. So I've just been cleaning all day, because me and Amber still have some unsaid words from college.


"That's none of your fucking business though" I said

"It is my business, it became my business after he-"

"He didn't do shit to you, you just jealous he beat the fuck outta Chresanto" I said

"Shut the fuck up bitch you didn't even let me finish. So you don't know shit and Tane brung out a fucking knife what the fuck did you want him to do. If Chresanto wouldn't have ran Tane would be in jail okay. All you care about is your self. Selfish bitch" she said walking out the form.

I ran behind her and yelled out into the hallway. "At least I can keep my man entertained" I said

"O but he raped me" amber said yelling. Finally leaving the building with tears in her eyes.

It hurt me when she said it because I thought she was jealous of us when really she never liked Tane. It's not like I could've left Tane either because I was pregnant. We all know how that went.

Me and Amber haven't talked since ...

I just hope he doesn't hold grudges and you ask how they know drake well Chresanto all ready knew him from high school. Ambers still with Chresanto and so that's how drake knows them. It's one of his closest friends.

Before our little argument we were bestfriends we told each other everything.....

"AMBER " I yelled


"Do you have a pad"

"Naw walk yo bloody ass to the store" she said

I pouted

"Okay " she gave in

"Thank you I love you" I said hugging her

"Yea yea now get the fuck off of me" she said breaking the hug

- flashback over



So I don't really know how she'll take things seeing me without Tane. She'll probably rub it in my face that he was no good. Idgaf well I kinda do but that's just the type of person Amber is and Chresanto and her are the cutest couple. ❤️

"Kyndal" dre said "what" I said. "You've been sitting there in a that's so raven vision face for like 2 hours, you okay." He said

"Yeah I'm good"


This is gonna have another book to it created by this user on wattpad ... _PrinceNae4L_

It will be up after this book is finished which is soon ....

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