What's Real

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I fell asleep at the hospital. It wasn't like Lauren cared what she gone do😜.i beat her ass once I'll do it again I don't care.

Anyways I woke up at like 2 pm the next day and phone was dying so I went to the office and asked them for his room. I got the number and walked to the elevator. "Hey ma" this wierd guy in the elevator said licking his lips checking me out. "You gotta number"

"No" then his eyes went down to my phone. "It's off" I said walking out the elevator as fast as possible.

I practically ran to his room. When I got there I was little nervous I don't know why but I was.

I turned the knob and it popped open😨. I scanned the room and my eyes fell on him. He stared at me and so did I. "Are just gonna stand there" I nodded no and walked in and grabbed a chair near by. "They said if my leg wouldn't have been wrapped I would've went into a coma. I assume you did it" he said "yeah" I said he smiled

"Thanks I owe you"

"No just take it as if you were me you would've did the same" I said
"No I wouldn't have I would've over reacted and just stood there" I laughed "I'm serious" he said "we'll you don't owe me"

"I do owe you, it's the second time you did something nice for me" he said

"Not really" 😆
"No matter what you say I still owe you"

"Anyways how long you gotta be in here" I said

"Two weeks I called the school there gonna give me my work to do and turn in when I come back" he said

"We'll Marcus, Anthony, Cammy, and Ray will be here tomorrow they went to school." "Why didn't you go to school" he said

" um I drove here after the police left and fell asleep in the waiting room" I said he smiled

" what's funny" 😋

"You was worried. You missed me" he said in a baby voice.

"Nigga you got me fucked up" I said clearly lying I did miss him. 😒

The smile left his face as the nurse came in to give him some medicine.

Denial I guess ......

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