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I felt as if he wanted something like this to happen just so I could be concerned.

I exhaled "am I the only one that knows" I said changing my mood

"Yeah" he said plainly

"Why me Aubrey " I said

"Why not Kay"

"Because drake Wtf " I said almost screaming everybody looked at me and I stormed out the room.

"Wait Kyndal" he said right behind me.

I gave him the finger and kept going.

Then he grabbed my arm.

"What Aubrey" I yelled shielding my face.

"Look at me. Look at me. LOOK AT ME KYNDAL"

I finally looked and it was those piercing brown eyes looking deep into my wet eyes. Idk why but he was the only one to see me like this.

"Don't cry, I'm taking keemo" he said

The realization hit me and I fainted.


"Kyndal KYNDAL SOMEBODY CALL A AMBULANCE" I yelled to catch someone's attention about my future

Yes she's my future ☺️

Anyways about time they came she had been out for a while. She was breathing but for the life of me I could get her to become conscious. That's my life right there. I wish I would've waited to tell her she's just to damn stubborn.


The doctor said she should be up in a minute. So I decided to stay here it's 8:00 and everyone else left back to Rays.


As she awoke I just stared as she realized she was in a hospital.

"What happened" she said

"You fainted"

"It was kinda a lot to take in"

"Yeah I'm sorry"

"How bad is it" she said

"It's the beginning, so I just gotta take keemo then I have surgery to take the tumor out"

"So your gonna be alright" she said exhaling and getting comfortable in the bed.

"I don't know it depends on the big guy upstairs"

She closed her eyes tightly "don't talk like that please"

"But it's true"

"I know I just, can't see you like that" she said sucking up her tears

I walked towards her and caressed her.

Everything'll be alright ......

Kamikaze : A Drake <3 storyWhere stories live. Discover now