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Later at about 3:30 we got ready to go to Rays. I mean I got ready we still had to stop by Aubrey's to get him a change of clothes. 😶

" What if your friends don't like me" I said. "Why wouldn't they, I do so they will" he said. When we got to his house his face palmed and he slapped the door closed so I had to ask. "Can I come in with you" "um yeah" he said getting over a growl. When he unlocked the door he house was not how I expected. It smelled so good like vanilla. 😌The house was kept clean and the furniture was beautiful. "Your mom has good taste" I said "Had " he said. "What happened" "I don't really feel like talking about it right now. Um, I'll be down in a little bit make yourself at home. " he said


About 30 minutes later he was finish. "About time " I said smiling.


"I have to look good" 😚I said "we'll it shouldn't take that long" she said. "Says the person that takes an hour to get ready". "It's different I'm a girl your a boy. Girls have more to do".

"Oh really" I said as we left my house and got in the car.

I started the car and

We woke up in the kitchen saying,

"How the hell did this shit happen?"

Oh baby, drunk in love we be all night

Last thing I remember is our beautiful

bodies grinding up in the club

Drunk in love

I guess this was Kyndals shit. 😃Cause she was sitting here singing every lyric.

"So you just know every song on the radio"

She smiled "I love music, now shut up"


When we got there I knew we were late but who cares.

"Nigga you late, "ray said opening the door.😒

"We'll hello to you to nigga" I said

When walked in as I thought everybody was there. Marcus, Cameron, Anthony, and Ray.

"Everybody this is Kyndal, Kyndal this is 😂Nigga 1(Marcus), Nigga 2(Anthony), 😭Nigga 3 (ray), 😂and lastly Cammy" I said sitting down.

"Why I gotta be a nigga" Marcus "Cause that's yo nickname Nigga" he straight faced me.

"How we all gone have the nickname" Anthony said "You don't yo name Nigga 2" Kyndal started laughing. 😂😭😋

"But forreal that's Ray, Marcus, and Anthony, and you know Cammy. "I said

"I really don't"Kyndal said "now you do".

"Man, last night was bomb you shoulda came" 😆ray said. "Nigga the same thing happens every time we go club hopping" I said

"Who pissed in yo Cheerios " Marcus said.😡

I stayed quiet I wasn't in the mood

"We'll Kyndal wassup wit you and drake. Y'all getting married yet" Anthony annoying ass said. "Um no we're just friends.

Ray looked at Marcus, Marcus looked at Anthony and they all assumed "wit benefits" they said in unison.

"No we're just friends" Kyndal said fustrated

Then they started laughing " The nigga stuck in the friend zone" Marcus said

" Marcus shut up leave Aubrey alone" Cammy said

"That's why yo name Nigga" I said to Marcus. "We'll enough of that. Last night I met this bad bitch" ray said until his mom came in and pimp slapped the back of his head. "Say bitch in my house one mo time imma beat the shit outta you." His mom said "sorry ma" ray said embarrassed. 😖😰😔😞😒"Hey Aubrey, sorry bout your mom. You know your like my second son" damn she just put me in the spot. "Thx ms. Z" I said to her as she left out giving ray the look. "Nigga I ain't playing" she said from her room.

"Ha ha nigga you a pussy" Anthony said "who tf said pussy" his mom said

Kyndal started laughing down low

She's so adorable. . .




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