Kamikaze Pt. 2

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It's 6:00 pm and I feel like he stood me up or something. Honestly I'm fed up with him he's been extra for what. Bipolar ass

The house phone rang


"Yes, ma'am are you related to Aubrey Drake Graham" she asked


"Well today we've been alittle suspicious of his big spending. His account went from 10,000 to 1,340 really quickly." She explained

"Okay I'll ask him"

She agreed and hung up.

I knew it I knew it was to good to be true the nigga was cheating. I wanna know for how long though. He better be ready because I'm going to beat his ass.

There's the door now

"Hey baby" he just don't know what's about the happen

*Earlier that day

"Wassup man" Ray said

"Nothing man I just thought we should talk since we go way back"

He nodded

"I'm gonna purpose to kyndal (__itsNae ) and I wanted you to be my best man" I asked

"Damn how I'mma be a best man and take her down the aisle"

I smiled

"Let me see the ring" he asked

I took it out my pocket and opened it up.

"You did good man, but you better not hurt my sister. You my brother but man me and my sister tight to" he warned

"I gotchu man" I dapped him up

" I also got some more news"

"What's that"

"I signed up for the airforce" his face palmed

I knew he wouldn't take it that well since his brother and father died in the army.

"Aye man can I take the check" Ray said to the bartender after drinking the rest of his drink to leave the bar.

"Ray man where you going"

"HOME" he yelled

"I just told you the good news and you can support me" I say

He walked up to me

"Nigga you KNOW WHAT I BEEN THROUGH YIU WENT TO BOTH OF THEY FUNERALS. I'm not trying to go to yours" he screams

"I'm not gonna die though se-"

He cut me off

"SEE WHAT NIGGA, YOU NEVER BEEN IN THE ARMY BEFORE YOU DONT KNOW THE STRAIN AND WORRY YOU PUT ON YOUR FAMILY. You dont know anything nigga. So get the fuck out my face." He yelled walking to his car.

"RAY YOUR FAMILY, your all I have left"

He got the car and approached me.

Then he hugged me, (not in a gay way, damn)

He let go and he wiped his tears from his face like I didn't see it. "Good luck" he whispered.

I smiled "thanx"

Then he left and I was off to go home.

I opened the door and it was 5 or 6 o'clock I don't really know but I was nervous as hell.

"Baby" I yelled

"I'm up here" she said

I walked into our bedroom and I got the shit smacked out of me.

"I know your cheating" she screamed

"Baby I'm not"

"Don't baby me nigga your banker called saying you took out all of this damn money for her" she said

I laughed

"It's not funny, I really loved you drake" she said disappointed

"I didn't cheat" I say reaching in my pants for it.

Then I kneel down on one leg. "Will you marry me" I say

Her facial expression changes so much
"Yes" she says with watered eyes.

I take out the ring and out it on her finger. "That's what I bought" I tell her.

"I'm sorry" she says

I nod and kiss her lips

This kiss was too different

"I have something else to tell you" I say not enthused from the answer I got from Ray.

"I joined the airforce" he face palms

And she smacks me again

Shutting the door in my face.

"How could you" she yells from inside the room.

"We need the money"

"That doesn't mean kill yourself" then she slides the ring under the door.

"I can't watch you do that"

"Baby I promise you I'll always return to you. I love you okay and that's all that matters" I say

She opens the door with a wet face. I grab the ring and put it back on her finger. "Don't ever take it off" she nods.

And she hugs later giving me a kiss like we'd never see each other again.

"Nigga if you become a Kamikaze I'll beat yo ass" she says walking in the room.

Main character go follow her
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Kamikaze : A Drake <3 storyWhere stories live. Discover now