Visitation rights

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He was having troubles breathing so Ray helped me get him in the car. Then we drove him to the hospital. "I don't wanna go" he yelled hoarsely "Do it look like you have an option" I said as I sped to the hospital.


We finally got there and he was very tired. He could barely walk, it was sad. "Can I get a room for Aubrey Graham" I yelled "First calm down Ma'am, right away" "Bitch" I said later looking at Drake kissing his cheek.

They grabbed a gurney and put him on it.


I didn't hear anything for a while and I wasn't let in the room. Nobody answered the phone and I felt so alone. The only thing I could think of was if he was okay, what would happen if he wasn't. I was just concerned and I had no one there for me. Ray went home with his fiance, I told him too I didn't want his fiance thinking and assuming shit. Me and her aren't that close yet, so I don't really trust her.

Then a doctor came outside talked to the secretary and they called me up. They gave me permission to go see him and that's what i did.


Walking to his room was like waiting in a line to get in a roller coaster. The nervousness was taking over me, heavily.

I walked in and he was awake watching Sponge bob. I just stared at first, he laughed once he noticed.

"Come here" he said gesturing for me to sit next to him.

"What they say" I said next to him.

"How long have you been here" he said

"That's not what I asked"

"How long have you been here, Kay" he said

"A couple hours" i said

"Did you go home, to get some sleep" he said

"I slept here"

"Go home" he said rubbing my back

"I'm good, what they say" i said

"I don't want you concerned right now"

"I don't feel like arguing Aubrey. Why cant you just tell me?"

He looked away, so I ran out the room. I looked around to find a doctor and i finally found one. "Can you tell me what Audrey's diagnosed with" I asked

"Ma'am I can't help you" he said

Then I ran to desk

"Whats Aubrey Graham diagnosed as" I asked out of breathe

"That's confidential information Ma'am"

"Look bitch I've had a very bad day, and i know you don't like me. But that doesn't mean you can't tell me." i said, she stared first before actually answering "Ma'am I cant tell you he doesn't want anyone to know"

I turned around and I calmed down, Then I slowly walked back to his room. "Tell me Aubrey" I said

"Not until you leave" he said

"I'm not leaving" I said sitting down in a chair in the corner.

he rolled his eyes "why cant you just listen it's what I want" he said frustrated

"I don't care Drake its not fair" I said

I took out my phone and called Makayla


"Hello" she said

"Yes um boo can you do something for me"

"Yeah anything"

"Can you go in my closet and pack a bag for a week" I said sniffling

"You Okay"

"Idk" I said

"Were are you"

"The hospital, just go to room 729"

"Okay bye"


"I don't want you here Kyndal" he said

"STFU, don't lie" I said laying down in two chairs.

"This is what I get the second day of being in a relationship. Its been a while, since I've been with anyone. Its been a while since Ive actually loved someone too. Maybe this just isn't for me, ever since Tane I just don't know. I thought you'd be different though. Everyone thought we'd be the cutest couple, when I put on the facade as if i didn't like you. When really I've always liked you Drake" I said as he fell asleep.

Everyone wants "Visitation Rights" right

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