And okay I dont really care though

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"Wassup FAM" amber said coming in "hey" I waved. "That's how you greet me, after 3 years. I see you" she said.

"Tell me what the fuck you see" I said. Drake looked at me, Chresanto looked at me and of course amber looked at me. It was complete silence. "Look Kyndal-" she started "No you look, you ain't about to come in my house insulting me, insulting my house, nothing I own or my lifestyle" I said stern as hell. She nodded and sat down. "Damn Kyndal, what drake do to you?" Chres asked. I gave him a look that said 'Don't play nigga' and he got the memo real quick.

"Um man you want a drink" Drake said. "Yea, baby you want one" chres said "yes" amber said.

"So, is there any place here where we can go and have some fun" amber said

"Yeah but-" I interrupted "yeah but I don't think their your type of atmospheres. Ya know since we don't have any strip clubs near by." I said


No the fuck this bitch did not "Kyndal I'm not a fucking stripper, and what's up with the fucking shade" I said

"No shade just truth" she said

"Ya know if this(I pointed at her) what's to act like this. Then I don't wanna sleep here" I said walking back out the house followed by chres.

"Bae come on" "No I refuse to stay in a place where I'm unwanted" I said tearing up. "You are wanted, I want you here. Can you just stay for me, just ignore her. You guys used to be close, she'll come around." He said grabbing my hands, kissing my lips ever so softly. "Ok, only for you though. Why do you always get what you want from me. " I say "because I'm special" he said walking me back in the house.



The whole fucking night everybody ignored my ass. Wtf did I do I cooked for everyone and acted as their bartender. That right there is extra rude. You can't just come into my house and not say shit to me. Then drake dumb ass acting stupid ass fuck too like nigga dis ain't yo house either.

What's so special about them anyway.


My room


"What" he said

"Why won't anyone talk to me" "because first all the minute they walked in you acted like a bitch. So don't be surprised that nobody wants to talk to you" he said turning around. It kinda hurt my feeling the way he said it and just decided to ignore me for the rest of the night. I walked to the bathroom washed my face and got ready for bed. The only reason he's sleeping here is because their here and I get that. They don't have to treat me so badly though. I started to cry and I knew he heard me so I just sucked it up and fell asleep. For some reason crying helps me sleep, raining does too but that's another topic.

Honestly I think he overreacted, like they can't take a joke. No wonder we're not married yet. He can't take a fucking joke. I wasn't genuine when I said what I said. We'll not at least completely genuine.

Kamikaze : A Drake <3 storyWhere stories live. Discover now