The Crew

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Cammy and everyone else came to the hospital today. Yesturday I left and went to school since I missed all last week. It was different since he wasn't there. I've seen him ever since I moved here. So it was awkward I still haven't made friends though.

Anyways when I came back to the hospital everyone was there all ready I guess having a good time without me. I came in and the room went silent. "Why everybody go mute" I said "nothing we just didn't know you was coming" said Cammy. That bitch

"Why wouldn't she come, that's her bae" Anthony said "Anthony don't play with me I see how you look at Ray" I said "Not true and Kay I don't play that gay shit" he said. "Don't call me Kay and don't talk shit" I said he just straight faced me.

"I thought we was cool" he said I just shrugged my shoulders. "See Aubrey, this shit ain't gone work out. I know you was trying to be friends with her but she be acting funny" Cammy said.

You know what I got you bitch "the only funny bitch here is you ole yellow gorilla looking ass. Say something else oww I swear bitch I want you to say something else" I said as everybody laughed and Marcus tried to swallow his giggles. "Marcus" she yelled and hit his chest then ran out.

"Sorry, I didn't know she was gonna say that" drake said. "It's okay I can hold my own" I said.

"You shouldn't have too though" he said "but I do, and that probably won't change" I said "it could" he said. "Whatever did you do your homework yet"

"Naw I don't really get it Cammy tried to help me" he said

"Stupid bitch" I mumbled " what" he said offended. "O not u Cammy" I said
"What's wrong with her" "everything, she's to controlling to Marcus and he don't do shit". "Right Marcus be acting like a bitch " ray said

"I forgot you was in here " drake said "no wonder " ray said looking at me as I put up the middle finger. "When bae I got time" he said putting up the middle finger twirling it in circles.

I laughed and Aubrey looked almost jealous. "Your the only one I like so far" I said "that's funny rays least liked by woman" drake said. "Don't front dre I get more bitches than you" ray said

Drake just looked " Ray you get hoes okay there's a different" he said

"As long as its a girl and they sexy and got a body I don't really care. I'm not in that relationship game anymore anyway" ray said.

Drake rolled his eyes "Ray I've been out the game for a while now so,"

"Nigga shut up you just saying that cause every bitch you go out with get tired of yo ass" ray said

Drake didn't comment he just stared of into the window. "You see Aubrey I've known you for a while and the playa look isn't good for you. Because that nigga that would cuddle with a bitch and every girl doesn't want that. Some of them need to be held down. I'm not saying you don't hold em down. I'm saying you do it differently." Ray said

"You just need to find the right one. So stop being a bitch" he said leaving

"Hold up wait Kyndal I can't get no hug" he said opening his arms widely.

I hugged him and took in his smell. He smelt like axe. My favorite he released and looked at Aubrey to salute him. Then we were officially alone.

"So do you need hel-"

"I'm not in the mood for homework" he said looking out the windows.

"It's not due for me yet anyways. Just Kyndal just don't leave okay" he said

"Oh but the other day you wanted a nigga to leave"

"Kay please" he said pouting

"I guess" I said pulling up a chair to sit at next to his bed. "So wassup with Anthony, I don't like that nigga" I said

"I've known him for a while now. We all have except for Cammy we met her 2 years ago. The rest of us met in pre-k. Anthony's just childish sometimes which I could understand you getting irritated. " he said

"We'll tell that bitch Cammy to stay out my way" I said

"She's really nice sometimes" he said

"Well she ain't gone get satisfied til I beat her ass" I said

He laughed

"I guess y'all just ain't gone get along. But really Kay your friendship means a lot to me" he said

"Well your the only one I know except for Shandrel and Lauren. "

"How come I only see you and your sister at home" "because I don't live with my parent they abandoned us at a young age. We we're put in foster homes and one day we ran away and they never looked for us. And look at me now here I am" I said smiling to myself.

"I'm sorry I didn't know"

"What do you have to be sorry for. I have no wonder in the world or care for my real parents. All it's ever been is me and my sister and that's all it will ever be. That's why my sister is how she is because she had to grow up so early. She got a job at 15 and she got us out of -" I said hesitantly.

"Out of what " he said

"I don't really wanna talk about it right now" I said trying to hide my tears.

"You don't have to be tuff all the time Kay because I know it's just an act"

"Don't say that, I've had to be tuff my whole life. You barely know me. When I was little all I wanted was my mommy but guess what mommy wasn't there. No one was there. So many things happened in those foster homes. They make me who I am today." I said laying my head on his lap.

"I'm sorry I didn't know" he said

"Give me a favor"

"What's that" he said

"Stop saying sorry "

"Okay" he smirked

The rest of the night we just watched t.v and when he fell asleep. I got up kissed his forehead and left.

What it is .......

I tried to make this as long as possible because I really don't know the next time I'm gonna update. Only because I'm on punishment and there taking everything away from me including my phone til further notice. I would really appreciate it if everyone gives a prediction of what you think is gonna happen. So sorry but bye for now.

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