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So I took her home, the answer is did it go well.

"the doctor said you should make sure your drinking a glass a water at least once an hour" I said walking in her kitchen pouring a glass

"I know Aubrey I was there"

"I'm just trying to help" I said

"I don't think I'm the one that needs help" she said lowly

"Excuse me"

"You heard me" she said

"No shit, but are you mad "

"I don't know all I know is, you should be concentrating on your health cause it's more important than mine" she said

"WTF Kyndal I don't fucking get you"

"What's there to get drake"

"That right there you call me drake when your mad and Aubrey when your happy. One thing I don't like is mixed signals." I said walking towards the door.

"What are you talking about" she with tears dripping.

"Every since we met, every since you helped me and cleaned me up. There was always something between us. You never listen Kyndal"

"What the hell was I suppose to listen to. You never told me hey Kyndal I like you. Or hey Kyndal go out with me, it was always can you help me with this or it's not the time Kyndal get the fuck out. So you tell me what I'm suppose to be listening to." She said

"You don't get it" I said

"No shit, but I'm listening. I've been listening for too long maybe it's your turn to listen" she said with tears still dripping.

With all my heart all I wanted to do was caress her.

"Just make sure that for me, you'll stay strong and relaxed for surgery" she said
Closing her front door in my face.

I stared at that door for about 10 minutes then I walked to my car and got in.

I screamed as loud as I could and then I backed out the drive way and went home.


As I thought about everything and what just happened. I kinda felt like shit for yelling at her. Since taking a shower calms me down that's what I'm doing. Taking a hot ass shower, since my water bills already high I stepped out turned the water off and dried off. I love her don't I ....

I've been waiting for her for years and I fuck it up just like that.



I can't believe him he doesn't know what I've been through, he doesn't know about the miscarriage my relationship with Tane nothing. So why in the fuck should I give a fuck about his feelings.

I mean I care but damn. How an the fuck he gone tell me to listen. Bitch what the fuck do it look like I'm doing.

When he told me he had cancer it hurt so bad. Its always had a soft spot for him.

Tane was my love though and it hurt me that he thought I killed our baby. Maybe he was just hurt, but he over reacted.

I miss him alot

He was my everything once before and I'm still recovering.


I'm still in contact with a lot of my friends still. Some of them have been my rock too.

I still talk to Shandrel, makayla, Jada (bitch), Marcus ,and Anthony.

When Marcus broke up with Cam. We started to get close and he's like my best Fran now. Anthony too and ray has always been my brother he's cool like that.


Knock knock

I went to answer the door and guess who was there. Ray

"What you doing here aren't you suppose to be making wedding plans" I said

"That ain't my job that's Sky's job" he said sitting on my couch.

"Besides I can't come check up on my sister after she faints in my mans lap" he said

"I wasn't in his lap and it's because he told me he had cancer"

Ray quickly looked at me" forreal"

"Yeah" I said sitting down

"You love him" he said

I hesitated

"I know you do don't deny it, I know he loves you. Y'all just need to stop playing childish ass games. Because if he leaves this earth and you never told him. Your gonna feel bad and I'm not gonna be there for you." He said coldly making a sandwich

"Who told you to go in my refrigerator" I said looking at him.

"Who else God" he said playing like he was praying.

" Whatever"

"I'm serious Kyndal" he said about to leave

"How you just gone make a sandwich and leave"

"Just like this, I've reached my Destination" he said locking and closing the door.


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