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Ok so he left the hospital a week. ago .... Which means we've only been together for a week it feels like forever though.

Today were going on our first date and I'm really nervous. I don't know why I'm never nervous any other day with him.

We leave at 6:00 and it's 5:30, were only going to the movies but I still wanna look good.

So I took a shower and put my favorite perfume on. Then I looked in my closet to find some high waisted jeans with a white strapless heart neckline shirt that flared at the bottom, but hugged my waist. Then I just picked up a gold choker and 4 rings for my fingers. Then to make sure I sprayed some more perfume and stepped in it.

Lastly I picked some black closed toe wedges that were easy to walk in. Am I over dressed for the movies? Anyways it's 5:55 now and I'm just waiting at this point.

Ring ring

"Hello" I said

"Hey Kay, why haven't u answered the phone" ray said

"I thought you had too much on your plate too be worry about me." I said

"You know I'm never to busy for my little sister" he said

"Well ray I can't talk to you right now I'm about to go somewhere"

"No because I know your mad at me" he said

"I'm not"

Ding dong the door rang - so I went to go get it ....

"Yes you are" he said as I smiled at drake

"Ray can we talk later"

"No" he said

Drake opened the car door for me and I sat down.

"Ray you can't just stop talking to me then start and try to demand shit" I said fustrated

"I couldn't talk to you, you wouldn't answer me" he said

"Because ray you wasn't there when I needed you" I yelled then hung up. 😤💩


"You okay" Aubrey said

"Yeah" I said quietly

"You look pretty" he said

"Thanks baby" I said later kissing his cheek.

"So what are we gonna see" I said trying to change my mind from ray

"It's a surprise"

I frowned "I don't like surprises"

"I know that's why I did it"

"I'm gonna find out when you buy the ticket" I said

"I preordered them online" he said

I just gave him a side glare

"Don't look at me like that" he said tickling my stomach

"Stop .... Stop drake " I said trying not to laugh protecting my stomach. Unfortunately he was stronger than me though.


We walked in and went straight to get some popcorn, candy, and drinks.

So the movie came on and it was the Fault in our Stars. I was so happy because I really wanted to see it. During most of the movie I was concentrated until he laid his head on my shoulder. I guess he wasn't feeling the movie. I was though so I didn't care.


After the movie almost everyone cried ,it was so sad. If I could tell you just go see it. (Fr go see it it's gud )

"Baby wake up it's over"

He woke up and his voice was everything. By the way I have a thing for deep voices so yeah.

"I'm up "he said falling back to sleep

"Come on or I'm driving" I said he stood up real fast. "Why I can't drive" I asked

"Cause " he said walking out the theatre

I crossed my arms and frowned

He didn't notice until we got in the car though.

"Wassup Kay"

"Why can't I drive "

"This car is new and we've only been dating for a week"

"So" I said

Then he reached over to me and kissed my lips softly.

"So for now I got the keys "

"When am I gonna be able to drive your car" I asked

"When your wifey" he said

"But I'm already wifey" I said

"Naw not yet" he said


He opened my door and walked me to my door where we kissed for the longest time I wished we never stopped.

"Bye Kay " he said as I walked in my house and closed the door.

In awe

Kamikaze : A Drake <3 storyWhere stories live. Discover now