Draco Malfoy- Disappointed (h)

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You knew that starting at Hogwarts was going to be daunting, considering your brother was doing extremely well for himself in the year above you and everyone knew who he was.

When you weren't sorted into the house that your parents hoped for, and into the complete mortal enemy house that your family wouldn't touch with a bargepole, you didn't know what to do.

You had been sorted into Slytherin, and whilst everyone was accepting of you in that house and you found friends and your boyfriend, you knew that your parents weren't going to react well.

In your family, apart from your biological parents, you had your Uncles Remus and Sirius who loved you and your brother like their own.

Before you were going to attend Hogwarts, your Uncle Sirius had spoken to you about what it was like at the school as well as the different houses.

He had gone into detail about Slytherin; specifying how horrible it was, about the purebloods and their idea of supremacy – it sounded absolutely awful.

Four years later, you were in your fourth year whilst your brother, your friends and your boyfriend were in their fifth year.

You knew full well that your parents still hadn't accepted the fact that you were in Slytherin whilst dating a fellow Slytherin, Draco Malfoy.

They didn't know what to think, they didn't understand how their own little girl was put into the so called 'dark' house.

What they didn't see was that you did show the traits of a Slytherin.

You were ambitious and if you set out to do something then you full well did it, you knew how to handle yourself and you were resourceful being able to figure out what you could do even in the tightest of instances.

Nonetheless, your family were still your family and you hated the idea of them ever being disappointed in you.

Whilst sat on the train, going back to Hogwarts to being your fourth year, you couldn't help but stare out of the window and wonder if you would be closer to your parents if you hadn't been sorted into Slytherin.

Draco gently slipped his arm around you, sensing that you were upset, before motioning to your friends Blaise and Pansy to move momentarily so that you two could talk.

He kissed the side of your head "You know, whenever you stare out like that, I know there is something wrong" he told you.

You sighed and turned to face him "It's been four years and I am still a disappointment to them" your voice was no more than a whisper as you spoke "Uncle Remus accepted me. Uncle Sirius still loves me" you fought back the urge to cry slightly whilst you talked "Harry...well...Harry will never listen to me if I attempt to help him, he says he doesn't trust my decisions anymore" you explained with a shrug of your shoulders.

Even though harry was your brother, he hated the fact that you were in Slytherin and would only ever talk to you during school if it was absolutely necessary.

You loved your brother, of course you did, but he wouldn't trust any decision you made to help him.

Draco sighed in response, pulling you into his side a little more, "Darling, you know my thoughts on your brother, however I do not see why you must feel this way about your family" he spoke to you in a gentle tone, knowing that this was a soft subject.

"I come from a family of Gryffindor's Draco, my Uncle Sirius was set up to go into Slytherin and he was sorted out of it and then I end up in it" you told him before running a hand through your hair "It's stupid that the two un-biologically related people I have in my family are the ones to keep up their unconditional love whilst my parents can't handle the face that I am in this bloody house" you had frustration laced within your tone as you talked.

You hoped that your parents would eventually fully accept the fact that you weren't in the house they wanted you to be in.

Yes, you felt like a let-down to them.

Of course, you felt as if you had disappointed them.

What you didn't feel, however, was regret for being placed into Slytherin.


Written by Hannah. 

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