Andromeda Black- Rain (c)

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There had been plans for the day, but the heavy downpour had ruined them all. It honestly wasn't too much of a problem. Although you couldn't continue with what you had originally wanted too, it did mean it was perfect cuddling weather. It did take a tiny bit of convincing, but Andromeda conceded in the end.

Even if it wasn't going to be a productive day, it would be a pleasant day. The two of you had gathered several pillows and blankets and created a nest for the two of you to snuggle in on the sofa.

The air was crisp in your home, due to the heavy rain outside which left the two of you needing to be snuggled up under fluffy blankets, holding each other close. It was always comforting to stay close to Andromeda. You loved her ever so much, and being given the opportunity to spend a day together close as can be was a perfect moment for you- the rain running down the window to your side was also a bonus.

Andromeda rested her head on your shoulder, letting her dark brown hair lay as a mess over you, as you both looked out of the window. She didn't seem to care as much as you did, but you had a gentle smile on your face.

Drops of rain raced down the pane of glass of the window. You'd always admired the rain, it held such beauty even in the simplest of ways.

"Why are you smiling?" Andromeda asked softly.

You looked down at Andromeda to see her looking up at you with her deep brown eyes.

"The beauty of the rain is incomparable other than by one- your face," you smiled gently, letting your fingers lace into the end of her hair.

Her eyes rolled at how cheesy you were being.

"Thanks Love," she chuckled.

"I love the rain. It's just so serene and adds beauty to all. The way the sound instantly relaxes everyone. And then if it hasn't rained for a while, the petrichor smell of fresh rain is amazing, and without rain we wouldn't have rainbows, there's so much to be grateful for when it comes to rain," you explained, looking at the raindrops again.

"I love the way you see the world," she said, almost as though she had never meant to let the words escape her lips.

You cocked an eyebrow at her. She was looking up at you lovingly, looking as beautiful as you always saw her.

"How do I see the world?" You asked, rather confused.

She smiled up at you. "The way I wish I could."

You couldn't help but smile back as her, moving your hand to cup her cheek so that you could lean down to press your lips to hers in a sweet and loving kiss. 


Written by Charlotte.

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