Luna Lovegood- Parties (c)

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With everything that was going on you knew that your friends were in a desperate need of a distraction. No matter what, you weren't able to stop the evil that the world was succumbing too, but it was unfair that a group of teenagers were forfeiting every second of their life to fight for good.

You weren't the biggest fan of parties, however you were hopeful that everyone else would enjoy a small soiree that could be able to distract you all from the hell that was surrounding you. Already you'd invited a couple of friends but the one person you really wanted to be there was your girlfriend, Luna.

After searching the castle for her you found her in a corridor walking towards the Ravenclaw tower. Once she saw you, she skipped over, taking your hand within her own.

"Hello," she beamed.

"Hi," you smiled kissing her cheek.

"I saw Ginny earlier. She said you had something to ask me," she smiled warmly. "I did try to find you, but I knew you'd find me if I couldn't find you."

She moved her pale blond hair behind her ear, still smiling at you. You didn't know how she did it but being with her somehow put you at ease and made you feel as though a war wasn't imminent. Sometimes you weren't sure whether it was possible to love someone more than you loved her.

"Well you're right. I did find you," you said softly, knowing in hindsight you'd hate yourself for how cheesy and lovesick you sounded.

"What did you want to ask me?" She smiled.

"Oh yeah. That. I almost forgot," you laughed awkwardly. "I'm throwing a kind of party for a small group I wondered if you'd like to go. So far only Ginny, Hermione, Ron and Harry have agreed but they're spreading the word to a couple of others."

She looked at you quizzically for a moment, but her smile reappeared within a second and her eyes filled with wonder and happiness as you loved them to be.

"No one ever invites me to parties," she said softly.

"Well it'd not be a party worth throwing if you're not there," you grinned, squeezing her hand reassuringly.

Luna looked at your entwined fingers, before giving you a loving look.

"Thank you. I would love to go," she assured you. "I've never actually wanted to go to a party really, but if you are there then it is going to definitely be a delight."

"I can't promise a delight. I'm not an avid party goer myself, but Ginny is more than well equipped to throw the party in my name," you chuckled. "But there won't be too many people, and it's nothing lavish, just to be a small distraction I guess."

She nodded happily.

"Well maybe next week I could take you somewhere. As a thank you of course. But seen as neither of us have been to a party really, we should do something else we'll both enjoy. Only if that's something you'd like," she offered.

"I'd love that."


Written by Charlotte.

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