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Hello puglings! *smiles awkwardly*
You know how some people have Netflix and never get an effing turn because there are five other people in their family and only one television?
I'm one of those people.
I have three (count 'em, THREE) little brothers, a mom, and a dad, none of whom share any of my television interests.
The brothers all watch the same dumb tv shows like Angry Birds Toons and such, and I have to wait through like, a bajillion episodes before I can even suggest that I get a turn.
And my parents watch historical fiction shows that are so frubbing wrong that it physically hurts my body. I mean, nobody says 'awesome' in the fourteenth century!!! Okay, maybe they do, but not the way that we use it now!!
And there are some shows in like, 1597 where the main character wears Nikes. NIKES.
What the frick frack snick snack, people?!!?!?
Ever heard of a costume department?????
HELLLOOOO, moronic twitty alert!!!
I just wanna watch Supernatural so I can catch up with everyone elseeee
(btw what episode does Cass say 'Hey assbutt' because i wanna know how close I am to that adorableness.)
But i never get to watch it unless it is the dead of night and then I'm TERRIFIED at night
because I do not have any holy water or silver
all I've got is kitchen salt.
At least I'm not a low-sodium freak, heh heh . . . I've got plenty of salt.
But, holy slippity slap imma fudging kill someone if I don't get mah Sam and Dean and Castiel goddAMMIT
So, Ave Ma-fricken-ria, HELP ME GET MY SUPERNATURAL!!!!!
I lost my shoe.

haha no not really I just wanted to quote sammy sam sam

But noooooooooo, I have to be nice and let the people younger than me to pick, and I'm not allowed to complain to my parents because they can fudging ground me for six months,.
At least mah fave song just came on :)
So I cant complain to anybody except my puglings and my puglings can't do anything about it and I just wanNA SCREAM
Yes, I am THAT angry.
Sometimes I wish my mom would read my diary like a NORMAL person so she can comfort me about my problems, but noooooo
she has to RESPECT my glubbing PRIVACY.
I suck at mouth wording speak!! There isn't any punctuation!!!!!
But when I write, I can say what I mean and not make any mistakes.
How many of you are with me on this?? Do you have this thing where you leave your diary open on a particular page in hopes that your mom will snoop and fix everything because you're too embarrassed to actually relay your problems to her using your cakehole???
It just makes me wanna go like, *Folds in half backwards* nyEHHHH!!! *spasms violently* graaAHKKK!! *flails*
*ahem* sorry. *smiles awkwardly*
Sorry for this useless rantness sparticuss lolss

Ranting, Raging, and General Fangirliness [FIRST OF MANY BOOKS] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now