Anoffur sneeky peeky

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Hiii puglings! *smiles awkwardly* This is the 20th part! COOLIO!
Ok this is kinda adorable but only because I think it is so read it and then I'll tell you why I think its so adorable.

    "I say that we play chess." Will said, but Nico shook his head.
"Look, I love you, but chess just isn't my game. Besides, there's three of us!"
Hazel held up a deck of cards, "How about go fish?"
This time, Will shook his head. "Something with strategy."
"Go fish has strategy!" Hazel protested.
"Since we have cards," Nico said, "We could play poker-"
"We don't need gambling right now." Hazel said, cutting him off.

It's only a small bit of my fanfiction but there is one thing I love about this and it is just so adorable. Here's one nearer the end of the book that explains it.

Nico and Will were sitting at the end of the dock, watching the sunset, when Will realized something.
He looked at Nico and punched him in the arm.
"Ow! What was that for?!"
Will laughed and laid down on the wooden planks.
"It's because today you told me you loved me for the first time, and you didn't even notice."

Heh heh, did you notice, puglings? I bet you didn't! I happen to know for a fact (or at least I hope I do) that Nico has never ever ever said 'I love you' to Will.
Oh, btw, this fanfiction isn't even a Solangelo thing. It's just that one Solangelo moment that I wanted to share.
I should probably stop posting spoilers.
Goth: No, keep going. It's swell.
Me: Go away, Goth.
Goth: You're only moody because the full moon is out.
Male: What is that supposed to mean!?!?
Me: It's not my time . . . it's his . . .
Male: What is THAT supposed to mean!!?!??!
Goth: *whispers* what's with him?
Me: *whispers back* It's his time of month-
Goth: But he's a he!
Me: I know, but since he's my innerself, and I'm a girl, that means he gets one too . . .
Goth: Holy son of a sneezle- bwAHAHAHAHA
Me: Don't! He'll hear you!
Goth: bu-bu-but h-he- AHAHAHAHA
Male: You're so MEAN! *runs off sobbing*
Me: *snorts* he starts acting like Girly around this time of month-
Me: No, stop laughing if you laugh I'll laugh!
Goth: I c-can't! It's t-too f-funny n-n-not to l-laugh- BWAHAHAHAHAAHA
Me: nono- AAAAHAAH
Me and Goth: *laughs 'till we're red in the face*
Tomboy: Urgh, they're giving me a migraine. *grabs pineapple out of nowhere*
Goth and Me: *still laughing*
Tomboy: *shoves pineapple into Goth's mouth and grabs My tongue*
Goth: glUG
Me: mlumph!
Tomboy: will ya just shADDUP
Me: *nods*
Tomboy: Now for the love of all things blue, poof already!
Me: *nods*
Me: *poof!*

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