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That picture oh my gods *smiles awkwardly*
So I was laying awake at night (like I always do) and thinking
What if a girl started flirting with Will like, NONSTOP
She could be a child of Hermes or Aphrodite, or pretty much ANY of them.
But he's too oblivious to notice
and Nico is at Camp Jupiter for the week
and everyone is low-key loving it because it's so damn funny
and the first thing Nico says to this girl when he gets back goes down like this:
Imma just call her Jordan because I particularly hate someone by that name (nobody you'd know.)

"Sooo," Jordan said, "Will, this Nico guy is a son of Hades?"
"Yeah," he replied, "He's awesome."
Nico appeared from the shadows at the top of Half-Blood Hill, smiling faintly. Will waved him over, and Jordan shook her head in disgust.
"He looks creepy."
Will nodded, "Trust me, on the inside he's all glitter and sunshine."
Jordan laughed, "You're so funny, Will!"
Nico was within five feet of them before he realized what this new camper was doing. He fought the urge to laugh and stopped in his tracks.
"Woah there, cowboy," he said, beckoning her over, "Come here so I can kill you for flirting with my boyfriend."
Jordan blushed furiously, "I wasn't- I didn't-"
Will hugged Nico, whispering "I missed you."
Nico turned bright red, and they heard Percy laughing from the Dining Pavilion.
Nico smiled, not one of the scary ones he used to frighten his enemies, but a real happy smile.
"It's good to be back."

Okay I'm not sure where that went but I cot a teensy bit carried away.
I just can't resist a Solangelo moment lol.
I'm surprised I didn't put Leo in there somewhere.
I just love the idea that Nico and Leo become really good friends after the Giant war because THAT WOULD BE AWESOME
I mean Nico is such a smartass and Leo is like, 40% sass, 10% fire, 50% fanboy and 100% AWESOMENESS
They would be the ultimate BFFs.
So yea, just wanted to do that. Next chapter is gonna be a rant.

Ranting, Raging, and General Fangirliness [FIRST OF MANY BOOKS] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now