Looks like I'm not done just yet oops.

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I promise if I do any more it will only be a few I'm sorrryyyy but I just wanted to say a few things *tries to smile awkwardly* *succeeds in failing a perfectly simple thing* *is crying slightly*
Please don't hate me for this lol.

I feel like we should make a documentary about humans so we can send it to space and hope aliens will find it. Like, it describes how humans are peaceful to friends but deadly to enemies so it will attract friendly aliens and repel UNfriendly ones, so we don't all get eaten by giant monsters from outer space.
I feel like that would be an interesting project.

On another completely random note, I just wanted to say that the brain named itself.

Think about that for a moment. The brain named itself.

I used to think the brain was the most important organ/muscle thingy. But then one day as I was walking down the street, I just stopped in my tracks and said "Well look who's talking!" And then people stared so I awkwardly exited heh heh . . .

I feel like Percy Jackson should be made into an anime. That would be totally epic, aaaaaaand I want to erase the movies from existence and anime does that somehow (I don't know how but it always does).
The first thing I'm gonna do when time machines are invented is go to the moment when that stupid director whom I will not even name thought "I'm gonna completely redo this movie." And then I'll slAP HIM AND SHOUT "NO YOU WILL MAKE FIVE BAZILLION PEOPLE HATE YOU DO NOT CHANGE THE MOVIE FROM THE BOOK PLEASE IR I WILL GO BACK IN TIME AND MAKE SURE YOU WERE NEVER BORN BECAUSE I CAN TOTALLY DO THAT."
Then I would come back and watch the ACTUAL BETTER VERSION of the movies.

But aaanyway . . . I want to keep writing this chapter until I have like, 2000 words. Idk why.

You know one of the worst times for Mother Nature to strike? The day before your whole family goes to thE EFFING WATER PARK.

aaand on to another completely random subject . . .
Just imagine Leo doing this. Please just . . . just imagine it.
Leo: Light 'em up up up                                                                      
Light 'em up up up
Light 'em up up up
*Set's body alight*
Frank: 😖
Hazel: 😶
Nico: 😒
Percy: 😛
Annabeth: 😥
Jason: 😂
Piper: 😐
Chiron: 😑
Reyna: 😓
Me: 😭🙌👏👏👏😍😆😄😂

I think this is so accurate I just copy/pasted it from tumblr lol this is so true.

Okay then. I really wanna keep going but I have school to do so yea this is it. I'm done.
But not yet. I'm gonna put every single emoji I have and in order so yea let's do dis.


Okay then. Bye!
(That took forever btw)

Ranting, Raging, and General Fangirliness [FIRST OF MANY BOOKS] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now