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I feel like poo. But you already knew that. *smiles awkwardly*
One thing I couldn't put into my poem was that I had also been attacked by a pigeon who wanted my curly fries. It happened today though, not the day I broke my head open.
I feel like this has something to do with that insult I threw at Hera the other day . . .
At least I haven't stepped in cow poop . . . yet.
Here's the insult:
I was rereafing the original PJ series and I got to the part when Hera 'helped' them in the labyrinth and then I said "Hera, you useless girly. Why must you always make situations worse- on purpose no less!"
I think she heard me.
Hope she doesn't kill me or something. I've written a poem to appease Apollo (though I'm not sure if he can hear my prayers, because idk if he's a god again yet.)
I've also started sleeping with an arrow under my pillow and a bow near my bed.
No reason other than demons, of course.
I just really like the archer twins. And Hades. I find Hades the epicest dude ever- and don't tell Percy Jackson that. He's hate me forever.
. . . because he's not Nico's type. (Sorry I had to)
Okay then. Time to go to bed. G'night.

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