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Okay ranting time.
My keyboard has this thing where sometimes it keeps typing a letter even after I stopped pushing it likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that.
The first time it happened it was with the number 8 so I decided to call it the "Crazy 8 Effect" and it just kinda stuck even when it did other keys.
It's the worst when I push a key I didn't even want like / or [ and it just goes like ////////////////////////////////// or [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
it's so frustratingggg

But on another subject, I think that the little things in life bring the most joy. Like, when I got my glasses the stars were suddenly stars instead of little white smudges in the sky and that made me so happy.
I mean, one of my favorite songs is called Don Taco & His Hot Sauce Toss (its not really about anything in the title don't let it fool you) and it's simple and smol but it's one of my favorite songs.
In fact, there is a whole bunch of 'em- here's a list of my top idk how many. I'm too lazy to type so here ya go its sum screenshots baby

 I'm too lazy to type so here ya go its sum screenshots baby

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Ok if you think any of these look cool like, go look them up on some torrent site or whatever you lawful good people do when you download music

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Ok if you think any of these look cool like, go look them up on some torrent site or whatever you lawful good people do when you download music.
I listen to these while I write and they really seem to help with writers block. How, you ask?
I listen to the lyrics if I want to find a nice bit of diologue, I also listen to the lyrics if I want to make a new scene or situation. I mean, music in general just helps me with everything. I listen to it about 100 hours a week. It helps me keep the sliver of sanity that I have left.
I mean, right now I'm jamming out to an awesome song called Killer Bees.

I mean, right now I'm jamming out to an awesome song called Killer Bees

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It's so freaking awesome you have no idea.
I like, imagine ever single fight scene to either this song or to some Fall Out Boy (is it Fallout or Fall Out I can never rememberrr)

Ok I just got the most amazingest idea in the history of everything Olympian.
What if there were two mortal girls who could see through the mist and they hunted monsters for a living.
They have Celestial Bronze E V E R Y T H I N G and since they're mortal it just goes right through them so they can do cool things like if one is being held captive by a monster the other can just stab through the captive and kill the monster and THAT WOULD BE SO COOL
And every day they test themselves to see if they're important enough to be killed by the swords and somehow they aren't but then
then Percy Jackson meets them and he's being a total fanboy about their epicness and when he sees their almost Amazonian moves he's all like
"Are you 110% sure you're mortal?"
and they're like
"Yea we test ourselves every day we're mortal alright."
And I am just FREAKING OWT
But please tag me if you do this but yea- You get full credit if you make this idea into a fanfic.

lol I just realized that I haven't smiled awkwardly or poofed in a few chappies who'da thunk (Ok never saying that again) so I'll get back on that next chapter. I knEW something was wrong but I just couldn't figure out what.
(aaah that feels good.)

Ranting, Raging, and General Fangirliness [FIRST OF MANY BOOKS] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now