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*finger guns* pew pew!
Lol anyways . . .
Here's a book I never finished and I might if you want me to but only if you want me to

Legend Of Zelda: The Witch's Curse.
A fanfiction of the popular adventure videogame series, aka " The game that I wanted to come out but never did."
In all my videogame sessions, Link, the hero of Hyrule, has never spoken. He has communicated, yes, but never with his own voice. If there is a reason behind that, I don't know it, and will probably never find out. That is why I made one up for this book, which, if it is ever read (which isn't likely) will probably be very enlightening about the inner workings of our young hero. It may also turn out to be extremely satisfactory for the female readers, if there are any. But, sticking with tradition, Zelda is ever present in this story. From A Link to the Past  to Ocharina of Time  to Skyward Sword  and beyond, this epic story has been ever growing. So, here for your reading pleasure, the newest edition to the legend.


The witch stood in the very heart of the woods, peering into the crystal ball that she held in her hands, glowing in the darkness of night. She looked deep into the depths of Hyrule, searching for the last piece of the puzzle she had worked so hard to complete. Her power was immense, almost unstoppable, but there was one person powerful enough to defeat her.
Princess Zelda.
That was why she was looking so hard. Princess Zelda could ruin her perfect plan, the plan that had taken her thousands of years to create. The witch knew that the princess was close at hand, and it drove her mad that her wherabouts were still unknown.
"Ah, there you are, my sweet." she said, finding the place where Zelda was hidden. "Now, to invite her over for tea." The witch smiled, turning her head skyward. She laughed a mad, crazed cackle that dripped with malice and insanity. A flash of lightning, and she was gone.

Link sat up abruptly, dennched in cold sweat, breathing heavily. He had just had a dream, a horrible, twisted, terrifying nightmare. He wiped his brow, calming himself. He always had these dreams. They were nightly, and he somehow couldnt rid himself of these horrific visions. Opening his window, Link saw it was almost noon. He had slept in again, for the third time in a row. A head popped into view, surprising Link and making him jump. The little boy, JoJo, giggled at the look on Link's face as he scrambled over the sill.
"Geeze, Link! Jumpy much?" he said, plopping down onto the floor. Link frowned, and crossed his arms.
"Still not talking, eh?"
Link shook his head. He could talk just fine, but he didn't like too. He preferred to save his speech for when it was needed, so people would actually listen. Simple body language usually sufficed in everyday circumstances.
"Oh well. Hey! Did ya hear? Princess Zelda is coming over to talk to you!" JoJo seemed very exited, and started jumping up and down, "She said that it was important!"
Link raised his eyebrow, asking a question without words. Thankfully, JoJo had become adept in decoding Link's silence.
"She said to meet her at the fountain!" JoJo then climbed out the window again and ran off to play with the other kids. Link grabbed his hat and sped off towards the fountain in the center of town. I wonder what's so important. he tought as he ran. He hoped Zelda was okay.
He found her exactly where JoJo said she would be, at the fountain. She smiled at him, and he grinned awkwardly.
"I'm glad you got here so fast." Zelda said, and looked over her shoulder nervously. "I need your help."
Link tilted his head slightly, confused. Why, out of all of Hyrule, would she pick him to help her? There must be better people for the job.
"I think someone is hunting me, Link."
He blinked in surprise. Hunting her?
Zelda looked over her shoulder again. "I can feel eyes watching me, burning into my back. I think someone is trying to kill me. Or worse." Zelda looked into Link's eyes. He saw how desperate she was. "Please . . . please rescue me if I get taken. I can't trust anyone else."
Link thought about the look in her eyes. Of course he would do it! He nodded, saying he would help. Zelda smiled, and she rushed in and hugged him.
"Thank you." she whispered, and ran off before he could reply. All he could do was stand there with his face as red as the sunset, grinning goofily.
"Wipe that stupid smile off your face, Link." He told himself after a few seconds. "You need to get prepared for whatever happens!"
He ran home, and grabbed his old wooden sword. It was chipped and worn, but it had served him well on his various encounters with monsters.

Yea so that's it.

Ranting, Raging, and General Fangirliness [FIRST OF MANY BOOKS] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now