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"I'm sorry, but I cannot let you go." I look at him stupefied.

"Why not?" I almost mumble. My heart stars accelerating and I feel my arms shaking. I take a deep breath to calm down but instead it makes me even more uneasy since I breath in all of his essence.

"I think it's only fair if I give you a ride, please." I don't feel like begging is his style which makes me wonder for once more what's going on.

"Alright, but only this time." He takes down his hand. I can see his body relaxing and I finally catch my breath.

This man doesn't take 'no' for an answer. I'll find difficulty into saying yes to his demands since no is kind of my favorite answer. He places his hand on my back guiding me to a small door. I look at him confused and he just smiles to me. He opens the door and gestures me to get inside. I move forward cautiously when I feel my muscles get stiff. He locks the door behind him and places the key in the pocket inside his jacket. The fatigue I'm feeling didn't let me see that we're standing now in front of a small elevator, nothing like the ones we use.

There are only two buttons, one for this floor and one of the garage. This reminds me of what Emily told me about his private elevator. Why does he hide from his employees? They would feel much better if they knew for whom they were working. They probably feel as if they're working for a ghost. A few moments later the doors open and I find myself in front of a Bugatti Veyron. My jaw drops instantly. It's pure beauty!

Black shiny body with deep blue lines swirling in some kind of an art project on the metal body. I walk slowly towards the car touching it with my fingertips afraid that I'll harm it. This car costs a freaking fortune! Not to mention that this kind of dream cars are limited edition. I shake my head to clear my thoughts. What did I expect from him? An old rusty car that parts fall apart? I let a giggle out drawing Colt's attention towards me. He looks at me with amusement. He probably laughs at my reaction but I don't care. I just keep on investigating the car.

"We can leave anytime you wish." He tilts his head towards me.

"Hm? Oh yeah, sorry. I got lost in my thoughts for a little while." I blush.

"I did notice. Fan of fast cars?"

"Fan of fast anything actually. Besides, a Bugatti is not just a car... It's a dream that most people on this planet cannot even afford to dream." My face lights up talking about the car. It reminds me of the talks I used to have with my dad. I begin to sulk the moment I recall my past but fortunately Colt brings me back to reality.


I turn around and see him opening the door while gesturing me to get in. I get inside the car almost religiously. I see Colt moving towards his side so smoothly, as if he was some kind of feline. Meanwhile I'm trying to memorize every detail and every feeling I get while I touch this car. The interior is simple but super luxurious. I run my fingers through the dash and moan in pleasure.

"I'm really sorry for acting like that but it's a car I have always been dreaming to drive." I smile awkwardly.

"Who knows, maybe one day you will. Shall we?" I nod in approval while he starts the engine.

I can't help it but gasp to the sound of this powerful machine, I can barely hold my excitement. Colt looks at me and smiles with satisfaction before he gets in one smooth move out on the road. He starts accelerating making the engine roar and I find my self holding on, on my seat with difficulty. The power of the acceleration is so big that I feel my body paralyzed. On the other hand Colt looks so casual. As if he's taking a bike out for a stroll. Precision and Perfection as always; nothing less for Mister Perfect. A few minutes later we are under my apartment block.

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