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I barely slept last night. All I could think about was when I would meet Nathan again. I know that the moment I step my foot into Star corporation Emily will start bombarding me with questions. My only worry today is how I'll deal with Colt. Nathan reassured me that everything will be fine but I still cannot persuade my self that everything is going to be ok. Colt has every right to get mad with me. He overstepped my boundaries but I know I have given him the right to do so the night before... I take a look out of the window; it feels as if I haven't been out of my apartment in ages. 

I decide to send Nathan a text to see if he could come pick me up. He replies shortly after that he's helping a friend so he won't be able to come by but he'll meet me outside the company. I sigh slightly annoyed before dressing up. I put on my stockings and a black pencil skirt and a satin black blouse with a low neck line. I really enjoy dressing up as a professional but the heels are a real pain... Unwillingly I get out on the road. I don't want to be late to work and give Colt one more reason to give me a lecture. 

Although the roads were full of cars I got there on time. As promised, I was waiting for Nathan at the entrance, scanning the crowd with my eyes for him but he was no where to find. I was fidgeting with my phone, trying to resist calling him. I don't want to be the kind of girl that calls her crush every five minutes. Suddenly I feel two big familiar arms wrapping around my waist.

"Hey gorgeous." He places a kiss on my neck and my whole body electrifies. I turn slightly my head to look at him.

"Hey stranger, what can I do for you?" I place my hand on his neck while I inhale his intoxicating perfume.

"How about turning around and give me a proper kiss?"

"Hm I could do that but..."

"But? No buts!" He spins me around and holds me firmly as I lose my balance. I place my hands on his chest to keep a little distance between us.

"You should learn to take no for an answer young man!"

"Maybe sometime I will... All I can think about now is those heels and some sexy leather corset..."

"Would you like some whips and handcuffs as well?" I raise my eyebrow and look at him provokingly.

"I don't think I'm into that but I could easily imagine you as a dominatrix... So hot!"

"What are you talking about? I'm fuzzy and sweet!"

"So you prefer if I imagine you as a teddy bear?"

"That's not what I said!"

"That's the thing... You talk too much and you still haven't kissed me."

"Well you started it."

"And now I'm finishing it." He grabs my face and kiss me passionately. I can hear the guards at the entrance of the building giggling but right now I couldn't care less about them.

"Well, good morning to you too sir..." I look at his beautiful eyes, smiling, before placing another gentle kiss on his delicious lips.

"We should get going princess."

"I don't think I want to."

"Come on, we've talked about that!"

"You're so annoying some times Nate."

"Maybe but that's why you like me."

"Who said I like you?"

"Your body did."

"Shut up!"

He winks at me as we start moving towards the entrance. I catch some indiscreet female eyes looking at Nathan making my body stiffen up immediately. I can see Nathan's lips stretching into a smile making me feel even more annoyed. He's a stud and he's fully aware of it. I made some kind of weird noise when I saw a couple of women eyeing him. 

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