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What a long ass day! I can't say I'm jealous of him traveling and doing all these meetings anymore. I don't understand how he doesn't get a headache every single time. At least we're finally going home. Longest weekend of my life. As I threw my heels on the floor in order to climb up on the wide leather chair of the jet, Colt passed to me a glass of wine. It helps you relax before the take off, he said. My phone started buzzing but I didn't feel like talking to anyone at the moment given. It wasn't long after before I got a couple of messages from Emily.

"Val? Answer the phone!"

"Val?! Where are you?!"

"Val pick up the damn phone!"

What the hell happened? Emily would never talk to me like that! My worry was easily read on my distorted face.

"Valeria, are you ok?"

"I- I got a message from Emily. She sounds upset?"

"Why don't you call her to see what's wrong?"

"Yeah, I probably should." While taking a sip from my wine I dialed Emily's number. It only took one ring before she answered.

"Finally! Did you check the news?"

"What? What news? I've just boarded?"

"I'm so sorry love..."

"Em? What the hell are you talking about?"

"I can't... Val, I'm so sorry!"

" Emily? You're scaring the crap out of me! Is Adam ok?"

"Yeah Adam is fine but..."

"S? Everything ok?"

I look at Colt shaking my head no. I don't know what the hell is going on! Without realizing, I started pacing around the jet barefoot trying to calm Emly down in order to tell me what's wrong.

"Sir, we're ready to take off." The pilot of the jet informed Colt.

"I'll let you know when to take off, wait for my signal." Colt is standing next to me trying to calm me down, not taking his eyes off of me, not even to talk to the pilot.

"Val... He- Love, he's dead!" Emily said almost in a whisper. My eyes widened as my body started shaking uncontrollably. What's she talking about?!

"Emily?! Who?! Who's dead Em?!"

"Nathan... The news showed his convoy's explosion... Their truck was sabotaged... They said everything turned into a Pink Mist... I'm so sorry baby..."

The glass slipped from my fingertips, falling on the thin carpet covering the floor of the jet. The ruby red liquid started flowing, infusing it with its perfume as it leaked out of the broken glass. No... How's it possible? He would be back in less than a week... How's it possible that he just stopped existing? My legs couldn't support my weight anymore. As I started collapsing Dante for once more caught me into his embrace.

"Valeria! No, no! What happened? Please answer me!"

"Nathan... Nathan..." I plunged my fingers so deep in his back that I could be hurting him but I didn't care, I couldn't control it.

"What about him? Speak to me S!" Colt's unable to hide his worry, after all it's his little brother that I'm talking about.

"He's dead, Dante... Dead!"

"What are you talking about?! Talk to me!"

I try to gather every bit of strength that I had left to mumble a few words and explain to him what happened. Colt fell on his knees, piercing his eyes in nothingness. His face is full of true agony, pain. How could I help him when I can't even help myself? Slowly, trembling, I wrapped my arms around him. He started gasping for air, sobbing. The powerful CEO, that magnificent person doesn't exist right now. Right now he's as human as the rest of us.

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