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I don't want to get in trouble, he never mentioned something about breaks. He said I have to be available all the time. A thought flashes my mind and I get up to stretch. It's not possible that I can't have a lunch break now is it? If I don't I'll die in a week of my employment here. I grab my jacket and purse and start moving down the aisle. In no time I find my self in front of Joshua who looks at me as if I was some kind of an alien. I ask for him to pass any calls that I may get to my cell while I'm out of office. He nods and asks me if I need something else before placing his nose behind his computer screen.

I start tapping the elevator button impatiently. I cannot wait to get out of this building to get some fresh air for a few minutes and have a small talk with my friend. The elevator doors open and I catch a glimpse of Emily talking to Nathan. Nathan turns around and leaves the moment he sees me. I cannot help it but wonder why. I hold the doors open until Emily joins me. A few moments later we're out on the road enjoying the sun that just appeared. 

We chat a little bit about the project Colt said she would have to explain to me on our way to a canteen near the building. I whine at Emily about the workload I have and how I'm not used to this type of demands while she reassures me that I'll get used to it soon enough. When we get to the canteen the whole place's packed. We obviously aren't the only ones that appreciate a good burger.

"Are you coming on Friday?" Emily smiles at me big.

"Huh?" I look at her puzzled while I get a big bite of my burger.

"Nathan has a concert tonight. I thought he invited you when he brought you the files this morning?"

"Nope, he didn't. What concert does he have?" I mumble with my mouth full.

"Weird. Maybe he didn't want to bother you?"

"I don't think so. It's probably that he doesn't know me yet". To be honest I doubt he wants to know me more after this morning.

"Well, I'm inviting you then. You can bring Adam too." She smiles at me cheekily while she chuckles.

"You know nothing's going on between me and Adam. Stop being an ass!" I pretend to be mad but in reality I know how Emily acts. She just likes to have something to gossip about. At least she never gossips about anything that could hurt someone.

"Yeah, yeah I know. It should happen though." Emily takes a bite of her cheeseburger looking disappointed.

"So, what kind of concert does he have?" I pretend to be uninterested.

"He sometimes sings and plays the guitar with a band one of his friends has in an underground club. They're pretty good!" I can see the excitement flashing through Emily's eyes.

"Hm maybe I should invite Mr. Colt as well. You know, to make our bond stronger." I let out a sarcastic laugh while I roll my eyes.

"Actually maybe you should. First of all it'd be interesting to see how this man looks and secondly maybe he'd want it as well. You know, take things off of his head for a while and just relax."

"As if he'd ever join us. Imagine what the rest of the company would say if he did and they saw us all together. They'd think we're trying to get higher on the scale by kissing his ass."

"A very well made ass from what I've heard..." Says Emily in a serious voice while I look at her startled making us both laugh.

"Anyway, I'll suggest it but I doubt he will. What kind of music do they play? In case he asks." I take a sip from my coke while staring at Emily.

"They play mostly rock music they write themselves. Nate rarely joins them but this time he said that he kind of needed it. Whatever that means." Emily raises her eyebrows and then she frowns.

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