Day 2

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Geek felt a gentle tug as he slowly came awake. Everything was still dark, but his senses were slowly starting to come back. When he could finally see, he looked to his side to see Skitty looking at him, tugging on his arm to get him awake.

"What's up?" He asked groggily, not fully awake yet.

"Just wanted to let you know, it's a school day," Skitty replied.

"School?" Geek asked, more attentive now.

"Yeah. You know, the place you go to learn stuff? You're weird you know that?" Skitty answered.

"Yeah, I know what a school is, I just didn't think..." Geek trailed off.

"Well, better get used to this because tomorrow you're gonna start school with me!" Skitty exclaimed.

"Really? Do I look that young in this world?" Geek thought to himself.

"My parents decided to take you in as our own, until someone else comes along looking for you. Do you, have any parents that you ran away from?" Skitty asked.

"No. I've been alone," Geek chuckled to himself despite the concerned look on Skitty's face.

"Well, then I guess you're my older brother now!" Skitty exclaimed.

"Wait, older brother? How old are you?" Geek asked.

"Around seven," Skitty replied, dragging a hand on the ground as she said so.

"So I'm older than seven, but younger than an adult, around eighteen..." Geek thought to himself.

"My parents are enrolling you today, so I'll introduce you to everyone tomorrow. Anyway, I better get going so see ya later!" Skitty said as she turned and walked out the door to her room.

This was interesting. Now he was stuck in a Pokemon's body, stuck in the Pokémon world with no obvious way out, no memories of his past life, and now he was going to school with a family that wasn't his. Could anything get any better?

After finally fully waking up, Geek went into the main room where Mr. Delcatty was. He and Geek both had a very delicious breakfast of Oran Berry pancakes, and then Geek decided to take a stroll around town. Just outside of their house was a path leading in all directions. Going straight would bring you to the Whimsicott Farms. Going to the right would bring you to some more houses and tents. One house was very interesting to Geek, as it was much larger than all the others. Going to the left would eventually lead you to the town square where all the shops and bustle occurred in town.

Geek stood in the plaza for a while, looking around the shops and even buying a few items. Geek was confused about this, apparently it was a normal thing in this would, but when you had an item or something in your hand, a bag would just appear around you. Every time you wanted to search your bag for an item, it would appear and you'd just reach in and pick out that item. Everyone else regarded this as normal, so Geek just went with it to not draw attention to himself. That was the one thing he didn't want to do.

As he walked along, he kept getting this feeling like he was being watched. He turned around several times, but all he saw were normal Pokémon doing normal things. Eventually, Geek got bored of wandering around and started heading back to the house. On his way home however, he got that feeling of being watched, so he whipped around and came face to face with a Pikachu.

"What the!" Geek shouted, startled at how close the Pikachu was. 

He took a step back and tripped on a rock, landing in a puddle in the road. The Pikachu started laughing while trying to help him up.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you like that!" The Pikachu apologized as he continued laughing.

"Apology accepted for now, but seriously. Were you following me?" Geek asked as he tried drying himself off.

"I saw you wandering around town, and I knew that you were new, so I decided to see if you could find your way around. I was gonna come in sooner, but you kept turning around, which I didn't want to draw any attention in town to us, so I decided to wait until you weren't in a public area," the Pikachu explained, "Oh but sorry for being rude. I haven't even told you my name. The name's Volt. Volt the Pikachu."

"Volt. Huh. That's a very fitting name for a Pikachu," Geek replied, "My name's Geek. Nice to meet ya."

"Geek. Weird name, but ok. Nice to meet ya!" Volt said with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey uh, you look like a kid right?" Geek asked.

"Yeah? What about it?" Volt asked back.

"Shouldn't you be in school then?" Geek wondered.

"Nope. I don't start school till tomorrow. See thing is, I'm new here too. I just moved in with my grandparents a few days ago," Volt said as he scratched his head.

"Ah. So I guess we're both in the same boat then," Geek said.

"Yeah I guess so. Hey, I know this is kinda out of left field and you'll probably say no but, can we be friends?" Volt asked.

A pretty straight forward question but Geek guessed that he could understand it. They were both new to the town, neither of them had any friends, besides Skitty, and school started for both of them tomorrow. Starting in a new place without anyone you knew or at least were getting to know could be hard.

"Yeah I'll be your friend. Kinda blunt, but yeah," Geek told Volt.

"Whoo Hoo!" Volt shouted excited.

"So, see you tomorrow?" Geek asked.

"Yeah! See you tomorrow buddy!" Volt replied as he turned around and started walking towards the houses.

That night was normal. At least, the definition of normal for Skitty and her family with one extra member. The family sat down and had dinner, a very delicious apple meal made by Mrs. Delcatty, and then everyone sat around in the main room and had fun. Keeping each other company, telling each other jokes, and telling stories. This was probably as close as Geek would get to a family here. Still, it bothered him that he hadn't told anyone about his situation. He knew it would cause panic, confusion, and probably no one would believe him, but it still nagged at him. That night, Geek lay awake, despite everyone else being asleep. He stared out the window with a perfect view of the moon and stars above. He kept asking and thinking to himself, why was he here? Who was he in the human world? Why didn't he remember anything? What was his purpose here? So many questions, no answers at all. Geek slowly dozed off as the peaceful sounds of the world lulled him to sleep.

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