Mystery Dungeon: Wraith's Realm

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The inside of the dark orb was much scarier than it's outside appearance. The enter inside was an entirely different realm. It was filled with different things from the real world, dark and foreboding thoughts, dark auras that filled every corner of the place, and the more unsettling of it all, were the floating bodies of Pokémon who slept eternally. All the Pokémon that had been affected by Wraith's Draining Aura floated through the empty void and space of this realm. Forever drifting off, never to wake up again unless they stopped Wraith.

Walking across the pathways, dodging and fighting evil incarnations of those Pokémon who had fallen asleep, and trying to find the stairs to the next level was all a difficult experience. Geek and Volt had so many thoughts swirling around in their minds. Their brains were whirlwinds, sweeping up any loose thoughts and merging them with their anxiety, worry, and fear of what lay ahead. This was the final walk. This was the final Dungeon they travelled, before meeting the very reason they were brought here. Before they finally met the growing calamity.

As they walked, they were silent, only speaking out commands or things they saw off in the distance. Only at the eighth floor did they actually begin talking about their thoughts. Volt spoke of worry, fear, and a deep feeling of failure. Geek spoke of fear, confusion, and anxiety. They shared their deeper thoughts, and their deepest weaknesses in this time. But, after all of their venting of failure and loss was over, they began speaking of something much brighter. Hope. Courage. Determination. Faith. All four things combined in them, and it kept them going. The trials they faced. The Pokémon they fought. The friends they had made. The prophecy they were going to fulfill.

After all of this, after all of the walking, fighting, talking, and encouragement they gave to each other, they finally reached the stairs. Geek and Volt paused before continuing on, knowing that once they went up there, there was no turning back.

"You realize that, we've been here almost 50 days," Geek said, trying to sound light-hearted and happy.

"Heh, yeah. I guess so," Volt replied, giggling just a bit.

"What do you think will happen? I mean, after we defeat Wraith?" Geek asked, trying to make it sound like victory was already assured.

"I don't know. I've thought about it a lot, but I have no idea," Volt replied.

"So..." Geek said, looking to Volt and then the stairs.

"You ready?" Volt asked.

"No," Geek replied, "but I'm going anyway. I have to right? We're already here, so no use backing out now."

The two friends, Riolu and Pikachu, Geek and Volt, walked up those final stairs and entered a large, open room. There was a massive window That showed the world outside. The large dome they were in now gleamed bright, despite it's still dark appearance. Geek and Volt stood in the massive dome, looking at Wraith, who floated in front of the viewing screen of the dome. Wraith slightly tipped his head over in acknowledgement of the new arrivals.

"You are brave, and dumb. Your bravery for thinking you can stop me is commendable, however you are stupid in the same way. I gave you a warning, and you did not listen. You cannot comprehend how much more powerful I am now, and I will send you back to that eternal sleep, along with this entire planet," Wraith said, turning around and charging up a massive Draining Orb.

Geek and Volt feared this the most. With a quick move, the massive Orb flew at the two friends, exerting its pressure and power. Geek closed his eyes and waited. Nothing. Geek opened one eye, seeing the massive orb smashing against that same glowing shield their scarves gave off. Filled with shock, awe, and a sudden burst of hope, Geek opened his eyes and looked right at Wraith. The Draining Orb flew off, the shield doing its work. The two friends Scarves then began glowing even brighter, power surging through them.

With a burst of light energy, Geek was surrounded by light, energy, power, hope, and all things good. Geek felt more powerful, he felt a surge of energy flow through him. Then, with another burst of light, Geek was back in the dome. Geek felt taller. Then, Geek saw it. He had evolved. He was a Lucario. When Geek looked over, he saw that Volt had evolved too. They were both more powerful now, thanks to their scarves.

"Wraith! You are going down!" Geek and Volt shouted in unison.

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