Mystery Dungeon: Factory of Dilemmas

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Geek walked a few steps forward into the factory and immediately knew this was not going to be easy. There were walkways, conveyor belts, and Pokemon everywhere. It was an infinite maze of pathways. Geek motioned for Volt and Wave to come in behind him. After everyone finally got inside, they began through the never ending Dungeon. Battling through endless hordes and moving through dangerous working zones, they finally were able to get deep enough to where there were just rooms that the worker Pokemon stayed in. It was dark, wet, and creepy the deeper they went.

"Anyone else getting the feeling like we're being watched?" Marowak suddenly blurted out from the back of the group.

"Yeah. It's probably another Pokemon. Just be ready to attack if something comes at us," Greninja replied calmly. 

She was always clam in these sorts of situations. Deeper and deeper they went, down into the depths of this outrageous factory. They didn't bother destroying everything there. They were heading straight for the power source of the whole complex. If they shut down or destroyed that, they wouldn't have to spend any unnecessary time on things. Finally, they reached a massive room that looked to be a receptionist room. One of those rooms where you made an appointment to meet the boss of some company or whatever.

"This is a very odd layout for a factory," Volt stated.

"Yes, it is, which makes this no ordinary factory or Mystery Dungeon," Gallade replied.

"Well duh, this places makes orbs that take over people's minds. Of course this is an unusual place," Wave remarked.

"Can it everyone," Greninja suddenly said, her head swinging back and forth as if she was listening to something.

"I can't be the only person who hears that," Greninja suddenly said.

"What?" Volt asked.

"It sounds like..." Greninja trailed off, then was filled with horror and shouted, "GET DOWN!"

Just as everyone fell to the floor, a massive dark orb flew above their heads. Geek managed a glance in the direction it came from, and immediately regretted it. At the entrance where they had just come from, the three Haunter floated, smiles and all. Geek switched to his Aura Vision, and immediately saw the red and black pulses along with the tiny string that connected them to the orb that controlled them. It was behind the massive doors to the main office. Sprinting as fast as he could, Geek blew the doors down and let the dust settle. Sitting in a chair, looking at him with glowing red eyes and an orb laying on his desk, was a Gengar.

"Welcome," he said politely, although Geek could see the red and black aura coming off of him.

"Hello," Wave replied in a similar tone.

"I've been expecting you to be honest," Gengar said, standing up and moving out from behind the desk.

Geek noticed something odd. Gengar was being controlled, he knew that, but no matter where he looked, no matter how hard he strained his eyes, he couldn't see a string attaching him to an orb. Gengar was being controlled by an outside source.

"You were late, but better late than never," Gengar said, flashing the group a villainous grin.

"We're sorry to make you wait," Greninja joked, still keeping an eye on the Haunter which had come up behind them.

"You'll have to forgive my bodyguards, they don't really like new people," Gengar explained, still keeping that eerily polite tone.

"Yeah, um about that, that orb on your desk? We kinda have to break that," Volt said, sparks flying out of his cheeks.

"Now now, there's no need to get aggressive is there? After all, we'll all soon just be nothing," Gengar explained. 

His tone turned from polite, to almost robotic.

"What?" Geek asked.

Gengar suddenly began laughing, then changed his expression to something that showed an attack, "Hahahaha! You thought the growing calamity was the orbs controlling Pokemon? That was only the start of it! My master has much bigger plans for this planet, and they don't involve you!"

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