Day 15

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After three days of traveling, they finally arrived at the Explorers Headquarters in Brawlert City. Brawlert City was much bigger than Petal Town. There were more buildings, more shops, and lots more Pokemon. It was an absolute maze in the city. Geek even wondered if the city itself was a Mystery Dungeon, until they finally arrived at the tall, massive building that the Explorers called HQ. It mostly just looked like a big hotel, but the inside told a different story. There was a desk for registration and a waiting area, but beyond that was a massive kitchen and dining room, multiple beds, an entire room full of maps, the office room, an entire room dedicated to ancient research and an entire Observatory. This place had all the necessary requirements for an Explorers HQ.

"Well, here we are," Wave said as they entered the large building.

"Home sweet home," Gallade said as he walked over to his room and closed the door.

"I think Gallade's got the right idea. We've been traveling for a while, so let's just bunk here for tonight and get everyone set up for Exploring tomorrow," Lucario suggested.

No one argued. Geek and Volt followed Wave as he showed them their room. It was huge, especially for two smaller Pokémon like them. There were already two beds set up, and there were other things laying about the room as well. Everyone settled in and unpacked their stuff. A few hours later, everyone piled into the dining hall and started eating. Everyone else in the group gave them warm welcoming and lots of love. Gallade and Lucario introduced everyone one by one.

"Hey!" Said a very happy Victini, "I'm Victini the Observer! I like to observe the world around us and discover its many secrets. I mostly research and study modern day stuff, while also going on explorations from time to time!"

"Looks like I'm next," said Marowak, "I'm Marowak the Curious. I like ancient times, and learning about anything ancient. I like studying things from many angles, and I love a good battle. I mostly explore old ruins and other ancient places to learn as much as I can."

"My turn," A Greninja said from the shadows of the room, "I'm Greninja the Silent. Stealthy and deadly are my middle names. I mostly do quiet, private missions for the team, and I get them done. I like dangerous places, and I love a good battle here and there."

"Then it's me, who you know a little bit already," Wave said, "Wave the Medic, at your service. I love exploring. It's one of the few things I enjoy doing. I also love helping others, so I learned a lot about healing others, and became the medic slash cook slash explorer for the team! I'm not that good at battling though."

"Says the guy who whooped our rear ends real good in the forest," Volt whispered in Geek's ear.

"I guess that leaves me and Lucario," Gallade stated, "I'm Gallade the Bold. I lead most expeditions of this team, and I'm like Greninja. I love dangerous places, and I love a good fight. I'm also the second strongest on the team, so don't get on my bad side."

"Now, for me," Lucario said, "Lucario the Leader. I am, as my name implies, the leader of the Explorers of Tomorrow. I keep everyone in line, lead a few missions here and there, and plan pretty much everything for the team. I'm basically the Vespiquen in the Combee Hive, hahaha!"

Everyone had a fun evening indeed. Geek and Volt were so distracted by the fun entertainment the team gave, they didn't even remember their old friends in Petal town. It was probably for the best. They couldn't dwell on the past for too long. After a few more hours of fun, Geek and Volt turned in for the night. They had a lot of things to do tomorrow. Their first expeditions began tomorrow. Their new lives, as Explorers of Tomorrow, began.

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