True Final Boss: Wraith

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This was it. This was the final stand that they needed to take. This was the deciding battle of whether the universe would be sent back into peace and prosperity, or thrown into an eternal darkness, never to rise again. Geek dashed forward, allowing Volt to jump on his head. At the same time, Geek thrusted upwards, sending Volt skyward. Volt, from above, launched an Electro Ball. Geek dashed forward with an Extreme Speed. As Wraith deflected the Electro Ball with ease, he left down his guard as Geek plowed into him, sending him flying backwards and into a wall. As Wraith recovered, Geek grabbed Volt as he fell from the sky. They stood up, then dashed forward. Teamwork was working. As they charged forward, Wraith sent a massive barrage of Shadow Balls at them.

Geek jumped over one, landed, then rolled under another. Volt hit one away with his tail, then grabbed Geek by the shoulder and used him to flip over another Shadow Ball. Geek slid under one, then grabbed Volt and threw him forward, knocking a few orbs out of the way, then hitting Wraith square in the chest. Wraith retaliated by launching a Dark Pulse, but Volt ducked under it and Geek jumped, firing a large and fully charged Aura Sphere into him. Wraith doubled back, then blew forward with frightening speed. Geek was mid flight when Wraith slammed into him, then teleported behind him, sending Geek flying again with a Dark Pulse.

As Geek flew backwards helplessly, Volt jumped into the air and grabbed his hand, throwing him to the ground. The two landed, then stood up. Wraith teleported behind them, but Volt quickly whipped around and slammed into him with an Iron Tail. Wraith took a step back, but then got tripped by Volt's Grass Knot. As he fell down, Geek sent a Thunderbolt straight into him. Geek jumped up, firing another Aura Sphere, but Wraith teleported away again. He gripped his chest in pain. Volt, continuing the attack and not letting up pressure, barreled forward and slammed into Wraith, using his Extreme Speed as a charge up. Wraith however, grabbed Volt's tail and threw him at Geek. Geek grabbed Volt by the tail again, then started spinning him around in a circle.

"Can you use an Iron Tail on your body instead of your tail!?" Geek shouted as they spun. 

Wraith dashed forward.

"I can try!" Volt shouted dizzily, as he slowly closed his eyes and morphed his entire body besides his tail into Iron.

Geek let go, sending Volt barreling into Wraith like a missile. Wraith flew backwards a good twenty feet before sliding to a stop. Volt jumped back to Geek's side. Wraith stood up, now a very long distance from his enemies.

"This has been fun. You could even say cute," Wraith said as he gripped his chest, but began charging a very powerful Power-Up-Punch, "But I think it's time that I ended this, once and for all!"

Wraith blasted forward using his Extreme Speed to go faster. Geek looked to Volt and nodded. It was now or never.

"Keep him busy," Geek told Volt.

"Right," Volt replied, dashing forward.

Wraith and Volt clashed fist to tail. Wraith suddenly changed his Power-Up-Punch to an Extreme Speed, slamming into Volt several times before sending Volt flying behind him. Geek stood in place, eyes closed, purple glow getting brighter. Wraith jumped up, but was knocked away by a Thunderbolt. Volt jumped in front of Wraith, slamming his Iron Tail into Wraith's cheek. Spiraling to the side, Wraith set his foot down and balanced himself. He launched himself forward, nearly hitting Volt. Volt backflipped over Wraith, then landed and sent a Thunderbolt into him. Wraith looked to Geek. His eyes were still closed, but the purple glow was brighter than it had ever been. A dark purple-ish aura flew around Geek.

Volt jumped in front of Geek again, making sure Wraith knew he would be protecting him. Wraith smirked. He launched himself forward, slamming into Volt, then immediately switching to a Power-Up-Punch. The blow hit Volt square in the chest, and Volt went flying into the roof of the dark dome. With a loud crash, Volt slammed into the ground, bits of the dome cracked and broken around him from impact. Wraith, with more energy than he had ever felt, looked to Geek, eyes still closed. The purple aura was more powerful, and chunks of the dome floated around Geek now. The purple light had almost consumed Geek's body.

"Now," Wraith said as he held up his fist, ready to slam into Geek, "You fall."

"No," Volt muttered, injured and broken.

"You do," Geek finished, opening his eyes.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" Wraith screamed as Geek opened his mouth, the biggest, most powerful Dragon Pulse coming from within him.

Wraith jumped forward, trying to hit Geek, but instead jumped into the blast. Slowly, his body began to melt away. His body disintegrated into nothing. All that remained, as a small, white orb, that lay motionless on the ground. Geek closed his mouth, somehow still filled with enough energy to walk and talk. He ran over to Volt, who hadn't been moving. Geek turned his friend over and let out a sigh of relief as his friend looked up at him, weak, injured smile and all.

"You know, I probably have like, ten broken bones because of this," Volt chuckled painfully, "But it was worth it."

"Yeah. No kidding. That felt great. Now come on, let's get out of here before something else happens," Geek said as he lifted his friend up, slinging Volt's arm around his shoulder and carrying him all the way back to the portal.

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