Day 31

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"Oh sweet Arceus!" Volt exclaimed as his hand flew up and grabbed a rock at the top of the mountain.

"When Marowak said it was a four day journey," Geek said as he lifted himself up to the ledge, "I didn't know that two of those days were climbing a very tall mountain!"

"Technically," Greninja said as she hoisted herself up behind Geek, "We went through a Mystery Dungeon one day, then climbed today."

"Whatever," Geek replied, panting and gasping for breath.

"Is everyone ready?" Gallade asked as he stood up from the cliff, cracking his back and stretching out.

"Do we have to do this like, right now?" Marowak asked as he climbed up, carrying Wave on his back.

"Thanks bro," Wave thanked as he flipped off and stood up next to Volt.

"No problem. For a Squirtle, you are surprisingly light," Marowak replied.

Everyone decided to wait another day. Everyone was exhausted, and very weak, and very hungry. After a quick, dinner, they rested up for the night, then prepared for the Dungeon ahead. Another quick meal was had by all, then everyone went into the dungeon, ready to end the issue of this world. Geek and Volt were ready to finish what they were sent here to do.

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