Day 16

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This was awesome. The morning meeting consisted of everyone meeting together, having a good breakfast, then leaving off in their separate ways to explore. Geek and Volt stepped outside of the HQ and breathed in the new fresh air of Brawlert City. They looked to each other with joy filling their eyes, and they were off.

"So, where are we gonna go first?" Volt asked as they ran.

"I don't know. I think Gallade recommended a smaller dungeon for our first mission," Geek replied as they stopped by the city gate.

"Really? Don't they trust us to do harder stuff? I mean, we did defeat Dungeons at Petal Town and we even beat Wave," Volt said, scratching his head.

"They probably just want to test us to see what we're capable of," Geek suggested.

"Yeah, that's probably it. Well, let's go see what we can find in this dungeon Gallade recommended," Volt said as they ran out of the city gate.

Neither of them noticed Greninja watching them from the roofs above. Then, as the two friends took off to their first mission, Greninja followed them, seeing what their true potential was, and if the prophecy of them being humans and saving the world, was true.

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